The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 1398: Date of marriage (1)

Chapter 1398 Wedding Day (1)

Mu old man with one hand and a back, standing against the wind, his face is dignified, with a chilling atmosphere.

The people on the opposite side have already rushed over, the murderous, the **** air swaying through the air, for a long time...

Not far from the ancient road, there was a shit, and the sound of the screams shook the earth, causing the whole world to oscillate.

When the people turned their heads, they immediately saw a group of spirit beasts coming from the rolling dust, and the dust splashing behind them filled the whole void.

Everyone has widened his eyes, and his eyes are amazed and unbelievable.

That is a group of spirits that are not divided into ethnic groups.

But at the forefront of all the beasts, the leader is a yellow wolf dog.

The dog licked his teeth, and his body was like a wind, and he immediately rushed toward one of them.

The people of Lingshenmen all came back to God. They just wanted to dodge. A huge ear rolled over and took him directly and fell to the ground.

Then, the huge rabbit descended from the sky, and he slammed down and slammed down, and the crowd vomited blood, staring at Venus, almost fainted directly...

"You..." Gu Shiyi, he looked at the group of singers who rushed to the door of the spiritual **** with a little surprise, with a puzzled look.

After all, these beasts are very strange to them, and he does not understand why they want to help.

This is not just what Gu began to ask, but even other people are somewhat unclear.

But before they ask for their words, they will see a familiar figure among the beasts...

The snow wolf's eyes suddenly straightened. It looked at the three-legged tigers coming out of the spirit beasts, and their eyes could not be removed.

Xiong Yi snorted: "Hey!"

Wolf steward, is this not your son, his mother? How did he appear with a group of strange spirits?

The snow wolf's face is green.

The little tiger is clearly the master who gave him the hard, and let him like it. If it says that it and the three tigers are innocent, can the beast believe?

"Hey!" The snow wolf whispered a low voice, as if asking why the three-legged tiger appeared. Isn't she in the forest of the beast?

Even though the black of the Beastmaster, who is the beast of the beast, has left, the Three Tigers have remained in the home of the beast of the beast. Even if she misses the master and son, she will not leave easily. I did not expect it to be Appear in this place.

And... This group of spirit beasts is obviously not from the forest of the beasts, who are they?

The Three Tigers did not explain much. She showed fierce tiger teeth and bit the neck of the person who rushed into her eyes.

The blood ran down the neck, and the breath of the man gradually disappeared...


Royal Palace.

The lights are bright, boasting and drumming, and they are beaming.

In today's palace, in addition to the Manchu culture, there are also powerful forces invited by various major forces to participate.

These people are standing in the hall, quiet as a chicken.

Feng Tian Yu and Nalan smoke sat together, sitting on the high position, with his foremost, it is the people of the gods.

Because Mujia’s father is not there, Mu Qingyu replaced his seat and stood by the side of Suyi, witnessing this wedding ceremony as an elder.

For a long time, outside the hall, the pair of new people did not appear, the entire hall is bright red, it looks very glaring.

Some people couldn’t stand it underneath, and they sent out a voice about Sasso.

(End of this chapter)

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