The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 1399: Wedding day (2)

Chapter 1399 Wedding Day (2)

"Time is coming, why are the princesses and the national teacher not yet appearing? It won't be... This wedding ceremony is going to be scattered?"

"I heard that the Guoshi chased one person to leave some time ago, but I have inquired a few times that I can't find out the situation. Now it seems... It wouldn't be that the National Division changed its mind and fled with other women? ”

"Impossible, the national teacher and the princess once fell in love with each other. When it is so important, how can he escape from marriage? What's more, the princess is so good, if the national teacher fails the princess, I am afraid... countless men and women will not put it under the sun. After this opportunity..."

These people deliberately lowered their voices, but these people present are also the average person?

Their voices are small, and they are still clear.

Feng Tian Yu is still fine, calm and sit, no expression.

On the contrary, the face of Su Yi is a little cold, and the glare of the cold smog sweeps toward those who talk about right and wrong, secretly printing the appearance of these people in their minds.

The daughter-in-law is too good, not just the man wants to marry her, even the girls are so crazy.

The road from my son is still very convinced.

But it doesn't matter. If she ran away, she would settle with these people by then.

Who told them to talk about people right and wrong!

"His Majesty!"

Lin Gonggong walked slowly to the front of Feng Tianyu, and respectfully said: "Ji Shi is coming, Princess, she..."

Feng Tianyu raised his hand and stopped Lin Gong’s next words.

He lifted his eyes slightly and looked into the front.

The original cold face of the man was opened in an instant, full of tenderness and favor.

Everyone looked around and saw the fascinating appearance in their eyes.

The woman’s red dress is Xia Pian, the red is bright, the style is perfect, and all the people are exhausted.

She didn't cover Xipa, and even the phoenix crown on her head didn't know when she was picked up. She just applied a little powder, her red lips were gorgeous, and she smiled like a heaven and earth, so she was eclipsed.

She is the brightest color in the hall.

Under the breeze, the girl's blue silk is shallow, the red dress is smashed, and her head is wearing a simple bun, fresh and refined.

Standing behind the wind, it’s a handsome boy.

He is long, handsome and green, with a smile in his clear eyes, his eyes always watching the wind that has already entered the red carpet.

"Peace, you..."

Before he even asked him to ask for an exit, the wind had already smiled: "Don't blame the two glasses, I don't like to be too grand, simply."

Wen Yan, Feng Tian Yu no longer speaks, he looks at the sky, brows and wrinkles: "Ji Shi is coming soon."

Guoshi that kid has not returned yet!

The wind is like a sloppy eyebrow with a shallow smile.

Contrary to her domineering temperament, this smile is very gentle, like the spring breeze.

"As far as I am concerned, as long as I can marry a national teacher, no matter what time, it is a good time. I will not be stubborn. I have to marry him at this moment. As long as he can accompany me in this life, I am already enough."

What if you missed Kyrgyzstan?

The national teacher promised her, and will come back with Qinghan as soon as possible.

Then she is waiting for him here until he appears!

A plain smile, her gentle eyes staring at the wind, even the words are whispers, very pleasant.

"Peace, the South String will not live up to your expectations, he will come back soon..."

(End of this chapter)

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