The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 1401: Date of marriage (4)

Chapter 1401 Date of the Wedding (4)

I am afraid, he will never come back!

The words of the night are like the same heavy weight, screaming in the crowd, causing endless sensation.

"Your Majesty, what is going on here? Kyrgyzstan has arrived, why is the National Teacher still not coming back?"

In the crowd, an old minister is too worried and can't help but speak.

Others are also facing each other.

The quiet crowd, after this voice, sounded noisy.

It stands to reason that the Kyrgyz time has arrived and the national division should return.

He has not returned yet, and today’s wedding ceremony is bound to be dangerous.

"Of course he won't come back," the night stepped forward and his face was cold. "He didn't have a face to come back."

From beginning to end, the wind did not say a word, she looked calmly at night, and there was no fluctuation in the calmness.

The night continued, "The lady around me, you all know?"

The eyes of everyone turned to Tan Shuangshuang standing next to the night.

At this time, Tan Shuangshuang was a little trembling. She was pale, and she bit her lip tightly, suppressing her inner fear.

But the emotion in her eyes still reveals her heart.

"Tan doubles?"

The old minister was first stunned and surprised: "Is this not Tan Shuangshuang, the daughter of the former Tai Fu? Her father has long been dismissed. What did she do here? She is not qualified to come!"

Tan Shuangshuang hangs his eyes and squats his fists.

A few years ago, she and Liu Yuxi were the young talented women of Liu Yunguo.

The world only praises and admires her.

But now...

A sentence did not come before the qualifications, she completely broke into the **** from the human world, so that her heart is cold.

If the night did not see the expression of Tan Shuangshuang, he sneered: "If Tan Shuangshuang is not qualified, then who has this qualification? The people who admire should know her identity!"

The eyes of the night fell to the plain clothes, and the eyes were cold.

At that time, he looked at a girl outside and rushed to take it back. If it weren't for this nosy woman, maybe he would.

Suyi destroyed her good deeds. She wanted to take revenge, but she knew that she was a god.

Lingshenmen and Tenjinfu are the three major forces. Naturally, there can be no disputes on the surface. After all, no one will take advantage of the battle.

Therefore, he can only swallow this breath.

Fortunately, he still has a chance!

Su Yi destroyed his Nayong, then he would not let her son marry!

Mu Qing's eyes were cold and sinking, and he wanted to speak. Suyi had raised his hand and blocked him.

"Of course I know," Su Yi's eyes fell on Tan Shuangshuang's face, and his face was faint. "She was pregnant with other children's children and married Mu Ling. It became a small sister of Mu Ling. How could I not know her?" She didn't care less about my family. How do you know that Nanxian and Dad are getting married and deliberately giving her a gift?"

Su Yideng paused and smiled and said: "But it is not necessary. My family has always been tempered and kind. It will not be too much for Tan Shuangshuang. We have already returned him to Liu Fuyong and let her children recognize it. Liu Fuyong, the biological father."

When this statement fell, the civil and military officials of the Liuyun country were stunned. Everyone could not believe in Tan Shuangshuang. Some reactions were not over.

In fact, it is not impossible for the old man to be envious.

But this Tan double pair... was a woman of Liu Yuxi!

When the sly robbed the son of the woman, this woman... also took the boat of the Tenjin House?

This world... is too messy...

Ps: I have been in Japan for the past few days.

Not too much time to code~

After I return to Changzhou, I will give you a steady update, forgive me.

There is also a big explosion at the end of August, a big one.

After the wedding ceremony, the woman owner has to go to another place.

(End of this chapter)

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