The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 1402: Wedding day (5)

Chapter 1402 Wedding Day (5)

Tan Shuangshuang only felt that her secrets were revealed in the human condition. Her face was flustered. She wanted to leave. It was a night of the night. She didn’t dare to step back, only hard. The scalp is standing in place.

Some are self-sufficient.

"Oh," the night sneered two times. "Mrs. Suyi, I am afraid that the relationship between Tan Shuangshuang and your family is not only that. As far as I know, after she became a servant of Muling, she not only Mu Qing has one leg, even the Mu Nan string, is the minister under her skirt!"

As soon as the words fell, Tan Shuangshuang raised his head in an instant, staring blankly at him.

Her body is shaking, and she is unbelievable in her eyes!

Su Yi first exposed her relationship with Liu Fuyong and Mu Ling. As a result, she could still say this at night.

He clearly said that when they come here, it is enough to just smear the South String. Why should she drag her down?

So what did she become in the eyes of the world?

Miss Tan Jiada, who has become a man?

"A big night, you..." Tan Shuangshou's face was white and he just wanted to explain a few words.

The eyes of the night have already been swept to her, cold and cold, like a poisonous snake, wrapped around the neck of the early tan, so that she can no longer say a word, even breathing with difficulties.

Nalan’s haze stood up, and her cold eyes looked toward the first person in the first place, and the chill in her eyes was more intense.

Even though the plains were light and the expression was not changed, but her clenched fist was shaking, which made her uneasily clear.

"Suyi," the wind patted the back of the hand of Su Su, and cast a comforting scorpion toward Nalan. Her eyes turned to Tan Shuangshuang and smiled. "It seems that you are not only Just want to let Mu Lingxi be a beggar, but also want to drag the South String and Mujia two uncle?"

No, no!

Tan Shuangshuang’s throat swallowed and his body trembled, which is obviously not what she has to do.

Even if she hates the wind, she hates it. She is now buried in the bottom of her heart. At most, she secretly cursed her. She has not dared to stand in front of the stage and be an enemy of her.

However, Tan Shuangshuang profoundly understands that she has already sinned the wind, and if she denies everything at this moment, she will not let her go at night!

As he said, today he came only to disgust these people, the woman he brought is not her insignificant, even without her, he can find another.

And the end of her... must be born to die!

Tan Shuangshuang took a deep breath and forced himself to stabilize his mood. Her lips were stunned with a sneer, and she looked at the wind with a sarcasm.

"You think that the man you love so much has long had a husband and wife with me. You guys who admire the family, but each is just like this. Muling can't resist my temptation. Mu Qing is so, Mu Nanxian is the same. The wind is like a dump, do you know why Nanxian does not appear today? He is looking for someone to be a fake, because it is true that he would not let my heart hurt and escape marriage!"

Whether she believes in the wind or not, she just needs to convince the world that it is enough!

This is not the case for the gods and monks in the eyes of the world.

Sure enough, when Tan Shuangshuang’s words fell, the sinister eyes that entangled her disappeared.

A smile at night: "We have always liked to do good things, so when we heard about Tan Shuangshuang, she brought her to the country...the girl, our doorkeeper said, your life. I will never have someone who truly loves you!"

Ps: I finally arrived in Changzhou. I am catching up with the plane early today, and then catch the train. I am particularly tired and have no energy to write. I can update you normally tomorrow. Today I have to sleep early to add energy.

(End of this chapter)

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