The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 1403: Wedding day (5)

Chapter 1403 Wedding Day (5)

The wind is like a red wedding dress, and the calm scorpion stares at the night. There is no emotion in her eyes, and her eyes are silent.

"Door?" She walked slowly to the night and Tan doubles. "Are you talking about Jiuluo, or Huqing?"

The night is a glimpse. He obviously has some reaction, but he does not understand what the wind is like.

But he quickly returned to God and sneered and said: "It seems that the wind girl is more forgotten, even the name of my housekeeper does not remember, but the South String bullies the father of his own, and you, too It’s not a good thing, it’s actually seduce the nine sons of my spiritual gods. You two are really a pair of heavenly creations!”

The wind raised his hand slowly, and in the void, a long sword was held in her palm.

Light breeze, clothes.

Her red dress, the red is more vivid, such as the color of blood red, the beauty is suffocating.

When Tan Shuangshuang was carrying the shackles, she was confronted with the undulating shackles of the girl. She slammed her palms and walked back involuntarily.


A sword light flashed, and Tan Shuangshuang was so shocked that he rushed to resist.

Jianguang crossed her arm, blood oozing out, the tingling sensation, her painful face was white, and the petite body was slightly trembling.

I don't know if it hurts, or panic...

"This sword is for your own son. He is young and ignorant. He just casts the wrong child and becomes your child. You use him to approach Muling. He plans to plant the child on his head. Now the child and you. Useless, you will give up on him."

Tan Shuangshuang’s body trembled more and more, his eyes were full of confusion.

"No... not me, Liu Fuyong drove him out. I have been unable to protect myself. I have no way."

"So..." The wind is like a cold look at Tan Shuangshuang. "Are you allowed a stupid child to self-destruct yourself? And he also threw him into the place of the beast of the beast? If not those spirits and beasts Already not eating, do you think that child can have a living?"

To be honest, she has never been a nosy person, and even if she can’t understand it, she will not bother to pay attention.


It was Tan Shuangshuang who first hit it! Let her have a reason and an excuse.

"This sword is for you to get rid of the smog!"

The original wind did not like to admire the home! But nowadays, there are no more people! She naturally does not hate the present admiration.

"This sword is for the South String! You almost put a brother who has no blood to him into the family!"

Another sword fell, Tan Shuangshuang's face was full of blood, and her eyes were full of panic. Under the eyes of so many people, she was the first to feel such isolation.

"And this sword... is for those flowers and plants that have been hurt by you..."

If at the beginning, those people thought that the wind was kind, they only started to work for the child abandoned by Tan Shuangshuang.

It was not until the last sentence fell that they reacted.

She just needs an excuse!

An excuse to shoot Tan Shuangshuang!

At this moment, I saw Tan Shuangshuang's blood-filled appearance. Everyone couldn't help but shudder, but no one went to sympathize with her.

After all, the wind has already let her go countless times. Every time she is looking for a door, it is a three-point temperament. How can she tolerate her embarrassment?

"This last sword..." The wind slammed and continued. "It is the reputation of you who is so bad!"

Ps: The time is not early. In order to avoid the break, I will send a chapter first, and I will continue to write the other ones.

(End of this chapter)

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