The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 1573: Continue to wait (3)

Chapter 1573 continues to wait (3)

"came back?"

The corner of the south string has a smile, and the temperature is moderate, such as the spring breeze.

"Well," the wind smirked and glared at the waist of the South String. A pair of eyes always looked at the man in front of him. "The Chinese teacher smiled really nicely."

"I only laughed at you for this life."

The man's fingers gently stroked the blue silk in front of the young girl's forehead, and the cold eyes were only gentle when faced with her.

"How is the news of Xiaoqing's inquisition? What is the difference between the wind and the clothes?" The wind is like a pair of eyes.

Whether it is a little fat thing, or Xiaoya... She always feels that she can't get away with the wind.

Therefore, she stayed in Supreme City for the wind and the clothes.

“I heard some things,” Nan String smiled. “The wind is close to the end of the world. It’s purposeful. What is the purpose... Xiaoqing is useless and can’t be explored.”

Xiaoqing just woke up in a confused way. When he was cold, he heard the words of Nanxian. He scared the neck of his snake and shrank it. He cried out.

"Master, is that useless? It is the mouse..."

The south string's cold eyes swept to Xiaoqing.

In an instant, all the voices of Xiaoqing stopped abruptly. He smiled and said: "The master said yes, I am useless. I can't even find out the news. The master is very powerful. Really, the master is super powerful. I can think of it." I threatened the little mice to help us in the news..."

Nanxian: "..."

This cow is blowing a bit too much.

He coughed twice and turned to the wind, and continued: "Her mother... is a servant. Her biological father went back to a woman in the past, saying that he is his original wife, lost for many years, because he was If you don't allow it, you will be lost. I don't know if it is the person you are looking for."

The wind is so cold, whether it is Xiaoya or not, she will not miss any chance.

“Can you tell where the wind is from?”

Before this question, he asked the wind to clear.

I don’t know if the wind is clear, but also said that the wind is even an orphan.

Therefore, it is estimated that only wind jackets... or Tianya can know?

The wind is like a headache, but before she came to the city, the end of the world left, this is not so big back to the mainland, she can not fill the mainland to catch a person to ask: Have you seen the end of the world?

Therefore, she can only stay in the city without waiting for him to wait for him to come back!

"I don't know, they haven't mentioned it."

The wind is as thick as the brows.

The wind jumpsuit didn't should she go looking for Xiaoya?

Daddy, her light is slightly converging, and a touch of cold mang shines through her eyes.

"Continue! Xiaoqing, you go to find a few birds to communicate, let them stare at the wind all the time, I don't believe that she can't find her family background!"

"Princess," Xiaoqing snorted. "Would you like someone to take the wind and tie up and torture it?"

The wind is like: "..."

When did this snake become so stupid?

"Do you think that the hatred of us by the wind, you tortured, you can force it out?"

"That... just ask someone to force her to force her to die? Let her not know what we did."

"No," Nanshi faintly swept his eyes. "She won't say it."


"Because...the one behind her, won't let her say, she won't dare to say it!"

The person who dares to play the idea of ​​the end of the world is bound to be weak in strength, and her kind of person wants to find a piece of chess... The piece must not be a windbreaker.

(End of this chapter)

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