The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 1574: Continue to wait (4)

Chapter 1574 continues to wait (4)

She was worried that the wind and her clothes would cause trouble and implicate her, so she would never let the wind jumper say it.

So... even if the torture is forced to force the palace, it is impossible to say that the wind is even.

The wind is like a nod of approval: "Xiaoqing, look at your IQ, not even half of my home country."

Xiaoqing: "..."

It wants to kill the dogs and men who love this show!

"National teacher, I am tired again," the wind was stretched out, and the whole body leaned on the man's chest. "We will go back to the room first."

Since she was pregnant, all the spiritual powers of her cultivation have been swallowed by the little thing in the belly. Not only that, but she always feels tired, as if she didn’t sleep enough to sleep...

That night.

The moonlight is like water.

The cold moonlight fell from the window and fell on the two people who were sleeping together.

If someone carefully looks at it, they will find that the girl's lower abdomen is faintly revealing the black light. This light is not obvious, and it can't be found without paying attention.

Then, the aura in the whole room was gathered toward her belly. In her lower abdomen, if there was a mouth, the heaven and earth aura would be swallowed up...

But the girl can still sleep well, even if this moment is broken, she can't wake her up.

The man lying beside her slowly opened his eyes, his eyes saw that the aura of the heavens and the earth were all swallowed up by the wind, and his eyes gradually picked up, a ray of light from his cold It flashed through.

"the host……"

Xiaoqing climbed out from under the bed. It was a little sleepy. It seemed that she was still not awake. The whole snake was a bit stunned: "What happened?"

Nanxian did not speak, and no one could see what expression from his handsome face.

"In fact, I was a little strange a month ago. The princess is not a very lazy person. Since she came to Wushangcheng, she has handed over the things to take care of the medicine garden to those spirit beasts. At the time, she will also be hands-on, and now she can't pick up the elixir herself."

The elixir is necessary for the wind to fall, so she hooked up these beasts and even turned the little fat ones to take care of her.

"And... the princess has gotten up now, no one is allowed to quarrel her to sleep, and now it’s so big that she can’t wake her up...” Xiaoqing’s snake squats and subconsciously falls on the girl On the lower abdomen that has been in May for a long time, "Is it a enchanting princess?"

The cold eyes of the South Strings swept to Xiaoqing, and Xiaoqing suddenly closed his mouth and laughed twice: "I just made a joke, just kidding..."

Nanxian's fingers touched the girl's lower abdomen, and his handsome face was more gentle under the cold moonlight.

The corner of his mouth, inexplicably raised a touch of curvature...

"Master, what are you doing?" After Xiaoqing saw the smile of Nanxian, the whole person shuddered and always felt that...the master of today...somewhat terrible...

Nanxian took the hand back and slowly closed his eyes.

After seeing the movement of the South String, Xiaoqing first stunned and stunned: "Master, you have to take your own soul again? Last time you were trying to save the princess, this time you..."

Xiaoqing’s next words cannot be said because Nanxian can no longer answer it.

(End of this chapter)

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