The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 1618: End of the world anger (2)

Chapter 1618, End of the World, Fury (2)

"Yes, the girl."

Liu Yi’s face is a bit ugly. The girls in the uniforms are the goddess in the hearts of countless soldiers in their generals. They are perfect and innocent. How can they be treated like this?

"Liu Yi!" Qi Yan's voice was a little cold, "Hey command you, step back!"

"Sorry, Your Majesty, I am only obeying the general in this life. I only obey the command of the general. Now the generals and the sons are not in the house. Therefore, I only obey the life of the girl."

The wind is as impatient as Emei: "It seems that these people are really endless, and they have come one after another."

The South String touched her head, and the language was soft: "If you are tired, go sit and rest, these people, I can handle it."

"it is good."

She is really tired. Today, because of this dinner, she did not have a good rest, and she could not help but feel tired.

A flower was very eye-catching to push a chair in front of the wind.

The wind was like a squat, and her hand was half-headed, and she looked at Liu Yi and others with a smile.

Under the moonlight, the man's face was cold and his eyes were indifferent. He stroked his long sleeves and shook his white clothes in the evening wind.

The powerful momentum opened instantly and filled the entire ballroom, making Liu Yi's eyes change slightly.

Wu Wang!

It should be the king of Wuwang!

The air is a little solidified, and Liu Yi even feels that his breathing is slightly difficult.

"Liu Yi," Feng Lianyi took a deep breath. "Can you remember the character that the general gave you?"

Liu Yi’s heart was a little surprised, and he slowly closed his eyes.

At that time, he and his son followed the generals into a mausoleum, and from the mausoleum, they caught this soul.

The soul is too strong, even the general is not his opponent, so he signed a contract with the soul, will find a suitable body for him to win.

The general was still a man who kept his promise. He felt that this work was too much trouble, and he directly threw the sign to him.

What the general can promise... is the body, not the living person!

What makes Liu Yi even more shocked is why this thing... the girl who knows the clothes will know?

"Lianyi girl, I can't..."

He can't do this, the general won't allow it!

"Liu Yi!" The wind was eager to wear clothes. "These are our enemies, not innocent people. You are not wrong in doing this. What's more, you haven't always liked me? You don't even want to do this." I am going to do it, what do you like?"

Liu Yi opened his eyes and there was a struggle in his eyes.

The general promised the body, but these are the ones in front of him!


What is the difference between these people and the enemy forces of the four countries outside? They broke into the generals indiscriminately, and they also moved to such a gentle and kind girl!

If he is strong enough... then these people are already dead.

Therefore, he does not violate the general's words! However, he has no way to turn these people into corpses, only to let the soul do it yourself!

Even if the general knows, he will not blame him. After all, he protects the girl.


Without waiting for Liu Yi to take the shot, the South String has already started.

His whole body set off a powerful storm, and all the people who were close to the generals were swept out, and they fell **** the ground, and the mouth spit blood.

Liu Yigang fell to the ground, and another Jianguang raid came and slammed into his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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