The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 1619: End of the world anger (3)

Chapter 1619, End of the World, Fury (3)

His mouth kept a steady stream of blood, but he still insisted on standing up from the ground.

The wind was so shallow that he stood up straight and looked at Liu Yi with a slightly strange look.

It stands to reason that Liu Yi is a person at the end of the world. She should not let the South Strings die. But the words of the wind and the clothes have made her extremely crisisy. Therefore, in the face of such danger, she is safe for everyone. It is impossible to let Liu Yi have a chance to fight back.


Unexpectedly hit the key, he actually did not die!

"It's a scorpion armor," He Lianyue looked so sullen. "The grandfather of Tianya can be generous. He gave all the generals, even my grandfather... and sent a scorpion armor. This scorpion armor is used. The thickest black iron on Lingshan is shaped like a hedgehog. It is best for defense. It can even resist the attack of Emperor Wu, but..."

He Lianyue paused: "It is reasonable to say that there is a spirit armor, and everyone in the realm of the Wu Emperor needs three times to be able to explode, but just... he was obviously injured, but he was not deadly."

This kind of thing is not easy to wear, and the enemies that Lianqing brothers have met are not very strong. They have not attacked them by the Emperor Wu. Even if the grandfather gave them their armor, they would not Will wear it.

But the spirit armor is not invincible. For example, the master of the realm of the Wudi can block three attacks, but it will inevitably be blown up after three times.

It can be like Nanxian. It is obvious that the strength has not reached the Emperor Wu, but the one who will explode the Lingbi armor... oh... few and far between.


Just when the South Strings started again, Liu Yi had already taken out the paper, and quickly shredded the paper.

At that moment, powerful power was like a sea, filled with the entire ballroom...

Let the entire banquet hall be gloomy, and instantly make people fall into hell.


Nothing outside the city.

The old man was in red, he was aggressive, his eyes were proud, and some looked disdainful at the four old men in front of him.

These four old men no longer have the original glamorous and bright, the whole person is shaped like a sly, ragged, full of dirt and blood.

"I have said it for a long time," the end of the world faintly evoked the lips, white hair flying. "In my eyes, you and Qi Yi are no different, all are waste!"

His tone is proud, with a flaw that does not put the world in his eyes.

"You..." Maitreya’s look was unwilling. "When did you break through?"

Wudi middle class!

Tianya actually has reached the middle of the Emperor Wudi!

In this battle, they lose nothing!

"Just not long ago..."

Tianya raised an eyebrow: "I used jade and a little girl to change a pot of wine. Hey, that wine is not only delicious, but also allows me to calm down and realize the breakthrough, so you are very unfortunate...become the first after my breakthrough. A person who came to me for trouble."

The face of the old man of the four countries has changed. What kind of wine can even let the Emperor break through?

Of course, the aura provided by the spirits is minimal to the Emperor Wu, but... can make people feel calm.

Whether you can break through next depends on your personal talent and understanding.

Tianya is a genius, only to be able to break through and change to any one person, even if he drinks him a hundred pots, there is no way.


at this time……

Not far from the city, there was a loud bang, and a powerful and gloomy pressure came immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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