The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 1644: Grandfather and grandfather finally meet (3)

Chapter 1644, Grandfather and Grandson meet each other (3)

"What did you just say is the surface?"

Her arrogant eyebrows fell through the **** windy cloak through the crowd.

The wind jumper looked up and looked at the red dress in horror. Her body trembled and bit her lip.


The wind is impossible to live!

This person is by no means the wind, it should be that the soul has gotten his hand and occupied her body!

He Lianyue seems to be worried about this as well. He is not far away, and some look at the wind.

She wants to go forward, and some do not dare, biting her lips, her eyes full of worry and tension.

"Small dump?"

Is it... is it a small dump? Or is it another person?

Until the man in the snow-colored robes came in and walked in to cover her dazzling morning light, and then put her into her arms, the smile was light and gentle: "Let, go so fast?"

This time, He Lianyue was relieved.

With her understanding of the South String, it is inevitable that this person is really windy and he will be so intimate.

Switching to another one, even if it occupies this body, he will not.

The wind and the body of the wind trembled even more. Her heart was pinched tightly by one hand, and some of them were difficult to breathe.


Why is the wind safe and sound?

Why is God so concerned about her?

Tianya looked at the woman who walked in from outside the door, and the tears fell from her eyes.

She is safe and sound, so good...

Otherwise, he has no way to forgive himself in his life.

At the moment when the wind was seen, Liu Yi was also relieved.

Fortunately, she has no accidents, so... Should the generals read the old feelings?

The wind is like a wind, and her lips are rising. Her lips are smirked and she smiles. "Hey, who is this that hurts the wind and even the arm?"

I don't know why, everyone always thinks that when she said this, there was obvious gloating...

"Too cruel, we should be gentle, this is not very good."

Warm... gentle...

The little fat man who heard this was a bit stunned. He suddenly thought of the day when he first met with the wind.

She also said that she should treat her gently...


She hanged him directly and took a meal.

Will this woman be gentle? Oh, the iron tree is blooming, and she can't be gentle.

Liu Yi’s eyes lit up and rushed to the front of the wind: “Miss, the girl even knows nothing, only offended the lady, and asked the lady to let her go.”

The wind blew his eyes and looked at Liu Yi: "You are quite infatuated, but I have a friend who wants to meet you."


Liu Yi is a sly look, a friend with a stunned look and a wind? who is it?

"Little soul."

The wind screamed like a faint sigh.

Her voice just fell, and a soul appeared out of thin air and appeared in front of her.

In fact, the wind has just been discovered. It turns out that the little soul does not have to stay in the black sword. He can appear at any time. Because of the black sword, his strength is limited, and...

The current wind is like a dump, there is no way to take the black sword out of Dantian.

"Liu Yi!!!"

When a man sees Liu Yi, it can be said that the enemy meets, and his eyes are red. His whole pair of scorpions are red and red, full of anger: "I want to kill you, kill you!"

He screamed and rushed toward Liu Yi.

(End of this chapter)

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