The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 1645: Grandfather and grandfather finally meet (four)

Chapter 1645, Grandfather and Grandson meet each other (4)

If it weren't for this bastard, he wouldn't have met the nine emperors again, and wouldn't... become a swordsman.

Liu Yi was so stupid, his eyes stared blankly at the man who rushed over to him, and had not had time to react. A sword light had already fallen into his chest.

Underneath his head, he saw that his chest was broken open with a big hole, and blood flowed out, and soon his body slammed back and forth...

It fell in a pool of blood.

Others are also stupid, no one thought, this last night also screamed to kill the wind as the soul of the wind, in the blink of an eye... was she conquered?

Of course, the rest of the people are shocked at most, but for the wind, even for her, she is somewhat unbearable.

Her nephew stared wildly at the wind, and her voice was hysterical: "Why is God so careful about you every time? You have such a perfect husband, and even the granddaughter's granddaughter, why do you even have this soul? What is it for you? Why is God so unfair?"

The wind is like a low scorpion, smiled: "No, it is because of the fairness of God. Otherwise, if God is taking care of you, he is really blind."

"Wind! Like! Dive!"

"I said that I don't have to call me so deeply, I don't like women."

The wind was almost fainting, and her entire face was stunned, staring at the wind and staring.

"Pour... 倾?"

An old voice came from behind the wind with a bit of tentativeness.

The wind turned like a head, she stared at the old man and looked at the sound, and some stunned: "Oh, you are not the old man who used jade for my drink?"

This time, the wind has changed its name, and it is no longer an old man like before.

The end of the world is a little anxious: "What old man, I am your grandfather! Feng Tian Yu, the kid who didn't tell you about my existence? See if I don't go back and kill him!"

In fact, from the moment when the wind was taken out of the jeil last night, there was already some speculation in the wind.

There is no such coincidence in the world, and the jade necklace proves that the old man was the end of the world...

Now that she heard the words of the end of the world, she decided the guess in her heart.

"He mentioned it."

Hearing the words, the face of the end of the world has improved a lot: "Is that kid blaming me all day long? I thought I lost the Liuyun country to him, and went out alone?"

"No," the wind shook his head. "He has no time to blame you."

No time?

Tianya’s eyes are stunned. Is it busy with state affairs? No, the state is no longer busy, and it will not be so...

"My father has been looking for a mother for years, and has never stopped. He has never lived a good day, and he almost lost his life."

The brows of the horizon are lightly wrinkled: "What happened?"

"After I have solved the problem here, I will go back and tell you," the wind turned like a head, and his eyes fell on the wind and the clothes. He smiled. "Wind, you don't have to worry, we are all civilized people. It’s not good to fight and kill every day."

Somehow, after hearing this, the little fat man couldn’t help but shudder.

He subconsciously hid behind the queen.


The beautiful sister who is a civilized person is more scared than when she is fierce.

"What are you doing?" asked the wind-clothing and biting his teeth.

The wind is like a squat, and the smile is not reduced: "I am a woman, what can I do to you? I am a person who has always been reasonable, so..."


When the wind lifted his foot, he slammed the wind on the wall.

The entire wall was recessed, showing the strength she used...

(End of this chapter)

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