The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 1657: The fall of Xiaoya (six)

Chapter 1657 The Fall of Xiaoya (6)

Well, it must be like this...

"Oh, yes," the second emperor seemed to think of something, and said, "Lord...Mrs. South asked me to come back and say, she is going to the stage of Yunxiaoguo, so that the general does not need to find her. She will soon come back……"

Feng Lianqing’s eyes were stunned, and he looked at the two emperors with confusion. He suddenly had a feeling that the two emperors became so well-behaved and had nothing to do with the wind...

“Cloud Fantasy Country Home?”

The face of Tianya suddenly became dark: "Why is my granddaughter going to the home of Yunxiaoguo? The family is looking for the trouble of finding my granddaughter? The wind is even clear, and immediately go to the troops. Forget it, I am still alone. Just fine, the speed of those soldiers is too slow, I can't wait."

The wind was silent for a moment: "Master, why don't you think that it is like having to go to find a family?"

This wind is even clear, and even the name of the wind has changed from the former wind girl to the younger sister. If Xiaoqing is here, she must bite on his neck.

"Fart!" The world is full of anger. "My granddaughter is so well-behaved, how can she go to find someone else's trouble? Someone will provoke her, the wind will be clear, you wash your neck and wait for me to come back and find you!"

When the voice fell, he was too lazy to say a word in the wind, and his body shape disappeared into the door.

The wind is a little bit stunned: "If you are a sister, how can you see her in the end?"

The face of He Lianyue suddenly sank, and she deliberately walked to the side of the wind.

The wind lingered on the side of the Qing Dynasty, and happened to see He Lianyue coming to him.

He also thought that He Lianyue would continue to stick as he used to, and he was going to say something.

Seeing that the girl hit him with a slap in the shoulder, and he hit a shackle and stepped back a few steps.

Her expression is disgusting, just like the wind is even what is evil.

"The wind is clear, even if you don't believe me for the wind, I am at most disappointed with you. You are still the hero I used to be. I am still my brother, but I never thought about you. It will be so excessive!"

Feng Lianqing’s eyes were apologetic: "Herren girl, I was really wrong at the beginning. If I let the wind jumper leave earlier, maybe..."

"The wind is even clear!" He Lian Yue is full of anger, and interrupted the words of the wind and even the evil. "You dare to dare to humiliate my family. It is not a good thing in front of her grandfather, she will obviously be A cute little granddaughter, why do you humiliate her like this?"

Feng Lianqing: "..."

"I hate you, I don't care about you anymore."

He Lianyue again used his shoulders to slam the wind back a few steps. He looked back at him fiercely, turned around, took her steps, and left with pride and arrogance.

No more back!

She will never forget that when she was stunned by the wind, it was the wind that gave her redemption.

She taught her to cultivate her body and let her understand that in her life, there should be no man.

There is also self.

She will not lose herself for a man!

The wind was so stunned that he was still in the direction of He Lianyue’s departure. Some of his heart was not a taste, sour and sour.

This feeling came too suddenly, making him a little slower...

"Big brother."

He Lian hurriedly walked to the side of Feng Lianqing and sighed: "Moon's sister is guarded by the end of the world, and now there is a lady who supports the wind. It will inevitably be more willful. Please also ask the wind brother not to The month’s younger sister cares, she has no father and no mother since she was a child, and no one will teach it to become so.”

(End of this chapter)

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