The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 1658: The fall of Xiaoya (seven)

Chapter 1658 The Fall of Xiaoya (7)

In these words, the first listen was very sweet, and after careful tasting, I realized the irony like a needle, and the rolling people were uncomfortable.

The wind turned cold and cold and looked back at He Lian Ying: "What do you mean, Helian girl follows my master every day, my master did not teach her well?"

He Lian Ying was white, she bit her lip and lowered her head: "I don't mean this..."

"He Lian Ying, she is your sister, no matter what her temper, you should not say that she is not educated."

Before the wind, Qing did not like He Lianying, and did not hate her, but now I do not know why, he just wants to keep a distance with her, it is best to die from the old and the dead.

Therefore, he ignored the face of Helian, and walked out of the lobby.

He Lian greeted the palm of his hand, and the heartache was unbearable.

Obviously, she also knows Feng Brother for so many years. Why did Feng Dage never look at her with her eyes?

Compared with the arrogance of He Lianyue, she is obviously more gentle and kind, isn't she?

He Lian Ying’s face turned a little better, even though he had met each other since childhood, but they had very little contact, and unlike He Lianyue, he often came to the military.

She believes that as long as she gets along for a long time, Feng Da Ge will love her.

Thinking about this, He Lian Ying no longer thinks about it, but also walked out.

Within the lobby, only the royal family of four is left.

The queen was cold with a face, refused to say anything, and even did not want to take care of the man around him.

Qi Qi’s face is a bit embarrassed: "Queen, this thing... Hey, hey, there is something wrong, I see that you have been very close to the wind girl recently, or else, you can help me say a few words..."

His emperor is also a tragedy, obviously in his own country, and he still needs to follow a general.

But there is no way. If there is no end of the world, his country has long been annexed, and the people will live in dire straits.

For the sake of the people of the world, the forbearance, he still has to endure, have to bear the happiness!

If you think about it, you will feel a little bit hurt yourself...

There is no expression on the back of the emperor: "Yu, baby, let's go."

She held one in one hand and wanted to leave the lobby.

Qi Qi was a little flustered and quickly grabbed the Queen's arm: "Queen, don't you think about it?"

The Queen's footsteps, hanging down the scorpion, the iron corner of the mouth.

"Thinking about it? Do you think that I don't know, Yu Er will go to the Spirit Mountain Range alone, is it tempted by your good and kind son? My son is framed, don't tell me that it doesn't matter to them, even If the child is killed, it must be related to the mother and child..."

"But what have you done? The four kings, who is so weak to you? Yes, you want to protect your people, so you don't dare to move your clothes, and you don't dare to solve any troubles for your son! You want Pull all the forces to protect your homeland!"

"But you, incompetent, can't be like other countries. If the monarch has enough strength, why should he be held by his nose? Fortunately, Feng girl is the granddaughter of Tianya General. If the granddaughter of Tianya General is a wind jumper, are you trying to Keeping the wind and dressing, is it destined to abandon us?"

Obviously... he already knows that the wind is smashing.

As a result, he is the emperor of a country, and he has no ability to protect his son.

He has no way to protect his family. Why care about the whole country?

The Queen closed her eyes and opened her eyes after half a sigh: "You are a good monarch, but for the courtiers, it is not a husband. Even if the name of the empress is in the name of the empress, it is not a husband and wife. Junchen is gone! Qi Yu is like you, too."

(End of this chapter)

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