Chapter 1722 escaped (5)

A flower screamed and rushed toward the South.

Other spirits are not as powerful as these people, but they... there is no fear of anything, and everyone’s eyes are filled with anger.

The blood stained the ground, so bright and dazzling.



A scream of dragons came out from the south, and it swayed in the night sky.

The huge body of the Black Dragon hits the dragon desperately, his temperament is more and more horrible, and the bloodthirsty eyes are carrying cruel light.

He remembered...

That time, he did not see Jiujiu in his dreams.

But... He chose to seal himself, and he did whatever he could to go to her side.

That is another world.

Originally, he could not appear, and he could only watch the ninety-nine silently.


His ninety-nine, too weak, so weak that everyone can bully her.

But how can he bear to let her be bullied?

He exhausted his last strength and chose to become a gray dog ​​to accompany her to grow up.

He can protect her from letting anyone bully her.

However, he still couldn’t keep the life of Jiujiu. She died in front of it. It wants to find Jiujiu as soon as possible. If anyone else uses food to tease him, he will stop eating and stay at the tomb of Jiujiu. Until it has also left...

Good-hearted people want to take it, but how do those people know that Jiujiu is his life, no ninety-nine, he is like losing all his breathing, only where she is, will have it...

It forgot that life, it was actually experienced, it thought it was a dream, thinking that it was too much to miss ninety-nine, only to meet her in the dream...

Speaking of it, it accompanied the 1989, more than a wild man, but the heart of ninety-nine is never on him.

But that's okay……

For it, being able to accompany her is the greatest happiness...

So, it doesn't allow anyone to hurt her again!


A scream of the dragon shook the world, and the infinite power emerged from its huge body with a horrible atmosphere.

With the scream of the dragon, the giant irons of the giant cage were broken by her force, and the powerful force spread instantly. Suddenly, the huge cage was scattered and fell on him. By the side?

Such a huge voice naturally disturbs the people outside the door.

The two guards quickly pushed the door of the dungeon and walked in. The oncoming was a bit of a dragon's breath, and in an instant, they let them go.

The black dragon rushed out of the dungeon, and the body became more and more empty, and quickly moved toward the south of the city.

Jiujiu...wait me...

This time, I no longer let you face any danger. I don't want to wait until the millennium, I can't wait until you come back...

I am no longer able to endure the lonely waiting of the millennium. If there is no you in this life, then I would rather turn into the aura of heaven and earth and dissipate in this world...



In the box of the Nanjiazhengyuan, Nanfang was lying on the bed with Mrs. Nanjia, but still had something to do in the future, and a rushing voice came from outside the door.

Even more, even if the door didn't knock, he ran in and panicked.

The face of Nanfang was cold and shouted: "Pull him out, hey!"

The guard was scared and slammed on the ground: "Homeowner, something big, the black dragon... The black dragon ran..."


Nanfang looked cold and cold. He got up and put his coat on his body. He had a black face: "The cage is made of diamonds. It is specially used to trap this kind of beast. Why can he still run?"

(End of this chapter)

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