The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 1723: Born between heaven and earth (1)

Chapter 1723, a girl born between heaven and earth (1)

"Subordinates...not clear..."

The guards shook in horror, and their eyes were full of horror.

Nanfang did not pay attention to the guards. He walked out with a cold face. After he went to the dungeon, he found that the cage used to trap the black dragon had been scattered on the ground, the ruins of a place.

"Go chase!" The face of Nanfang is gloomy and gloomy. "If I can catch him once, I can catch him for the second time. No spirit beast can escape from my hands."

"Yes, the owner."

The guards respected the answer.


The sky without the upper city is a dull piece.

Dark clouds all over the sky.

In the void, countless people fought here, and the densely covered ones covered the sky at the moment.

The end of the world is in red, domineering, his mouth swaying in the arc, his eyes glaring at the opposite people.

"You guys want to bully my granddaughter, but I have asked my opinion that there is no regret in the wind. Even if the dog thief from Nanfang came, I will kill it! Haha!"

The voice of the old man is arrogant, and there is a lot of discouragement that these people are not in the eyes.

There was a cold sweat on the forehead of the wind, and he had some strong defenders who could not resist these attacks, and his face became more and more dignified.

"Lian Qing," the enemy of the end of the world waved the attack, the expressionless way. "You immediately go to the road and stop the people of the royal family and the Helian family. These battles are no longer accessible to them."

For Qi Wei, he didn't have much affection, just looking for a shelter on the same day.

As for Helian...

After a lifetime with him, he naturally does not want to drag him down.

"But, Master, you..." Feng Lianqing raised his head in panic. He clasped the sword in his hand and refused to take a step back.

"Go, even Qing, these battles can not be tied to those innocent people, in addition, let the people who do not go to the city not allowed to come out!"

Under the gust of wind, the old man is flying in red, with a bit of arrogance and coziness.

The red lining of his red dress is more vivid than the fire sea purgatory.

The South String is also splashed with blood on his beautiful face. His eyes are still cold, and his white clothes are like immortals. Just like how **** this battle is, he is still the independent Qinglian, not contaminated by any blood.

The sword in his hand is very tight.

Because in this door, there is his wife.

It is his life, who has done all the protection.

After all, the wind was clear, and he looked at the end of the world. He said, "Master, wait for me, I will come back soon."

Master is here to fight people.

And how can he back down?

But now, he has more important things to do, and he can only come back and fight with Master later...



The wind is lying on the bed, her eyes are closed, it seems to have isolated a world, and the noisy outside has not affected her.

Qing Han’s eyes were filled with tears and turned to look at a woman beside him.

Yes, woman.

Since the wind has returned to the generals, Tianya went outside to ask her a stable woman, saying that she is a stable woman... In fact, she is a famous doctor.

She not only supernaturally treated her, but also gave birth to people. It is said that in her hands, even a dystocia woman can be born quickly.

Although the wind does not feel necessary, after all, she will also have medical skills, plus the two young guys, Qing Han and Fu Chen, are generally not in danger.

But the end of the world, she will follow her.

And this woman is still very bad, please, because of the end of the world and her, in a word, she rushed over.

(End of this chapter)

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