The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 1769: The 1310 big dog? (Eight)

Chapter 1769 Chapter 1310 Big Dog? (Eight)

It can be as windy as it is, even the whole arms are shaking, tightly carrying the little girl in the arms, for fear that she will let her go, and she will be taken away.

"Summer, I finally found you."

No one knows that during the days when Xia Xia disappeared, she spent the rest of her life.

Only when she saw her, her whole heart was loose.

The South String is also going forward, bringing the mother and daughter into her arms, holding them gently, but never speaking.

He never likes to talk, he only uses his own strength to give them a stable life.

"younger sister……"

Fu Chen’s tears fell quickly.

It’s been a few days, they finally found her, it’s good...

He wiped the tears from his eyes and walked to the side of the wind, and raised his hand on the woman's back: "Sister found it, nothing."

For a long time, the wind did not release the little girl in the arms.

She was suffocated by the summer and summer, but she felt the panic before the wind, so she did not push the wind, let her hold her tightly.

Time does not know how long it has passed, and the wind has just loosened its arms: "Summer and summer, can you be scared? Can those people bully you?"

"No, it was a big dog that saved me."

Xia Xia showed a bright and innocent smile, she turned back, the original face was full of smiles, but disappeared in the moment she turned back.

A pair of innocent eyes revealed doubts.

"Hey, big dog?"

"What's wrong?" The south string brows are light and wrinkled, and the voice is very gentle.

Xia Xia bit her lip and twisted her head. Somehow, her tears flowed down, and she couldn’t stop her.

Do you want her big dog?

Liar, also said that she will go to find her!

"Summer and summer!" The wind panicked, and rushed up and down to check the body of the summer and summer. "Is it hurt? Where is it uncomfortable, tell me?"

There are only a handful of times when Xia Xia has been crying since childhood. Now she is so saddened to see her crying, how can the wind not worry?

Xia Xia rubbed the tears on his face with his back and put his head close to the wind.

"Mother, miss you."

The wind is pouring, and it melts in an instant. She raises her hand and holds the little girl's soft body. She turns her head and looks at the south string: "South String, let's go back, I have to check the summer and summer again. ""

"it is good."

Nanxian nodded slightly, and before he left, he looked back in the direction behind his eyes.

At that glance, the grass that is not far away, the whole heart of the wind is in the summer and summer, and did not find the difference here.

However, soon the South Strings also took their eyes back, walked by the wind and leaned toward the direction of the mountain.


After the Nanxian they left, in the grass, only a figure came out.

The Wolf King stood in the place where he and Xia Xia had just stood. His eyes always looked at the back of the little girl. For a long time, they could not recover their eyes.

Until the figure that involved the heart disappeared completely, its body slammed into the ground and fell into the valley under the setting sun...

In the past few years, it has been hiding in the secluded pool. This is to protect the wound. In the past few days, in order to protect the little girl, he was injured by Mo.

and so……

Because of the injury and injury, it did not personally solve the Mo Shuang sisters, but instead let the other people in the wolves move, just because it was seriously injured and could not solve the two humans.

(End of this chapter)

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