The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 1770: The 1311 big dog? (nine)

Chapter 1770 Chapter 1311 Big Dog? (nine)

In these few days, it has always been strong to accompany the little girl. After the little girl left, she couldn’t hold it anymore and crashed to the ground.

But even if it fell to the ground, his light is still watching the direction of summer and summer.

Time is like stopping at this moment, the light of the setting sun shrouds the Silver Wolf King.

Missing the little girl, the valley of this moment, it is very quiet...

calm, silent……

Let the wolf king under the cover of the sun look so lonely.


After the wind found the summer and summer, did not stop, with Xia Xia first went back to the End of the World.

Zhang Qinle’s days in these days are very difficult. It’s really better to describe life than death.

Originally, she thought that she had paid so much, and she could exchange for the summer and summer for the nine doors. But when she looked at the wind that appeared in summer and summer, her whole face changed, and her eyes were full of panic.


"Bad woman!" Raided a small fist in summer and summer, "Mother, this is the bad woman who steals the child!"

The wind is like a faceless expression, holding Xia Xia to Zhang Qinle into: "You have not told me, what are you going to steal in the summer and summer? What do you know?"

Zhang Qinle sneered aloud: "The wind girl, there are many people around you, half-orcs are one, and the goddess of this day is also a..."

Tianling people?

The wind is so cold and cold, and even the momentum is cold.

"Do you know the Tianling people?"

Zhang Qinle’s face is pale, and the sneer on the face is even more: “It seems that you also know the Tianling.”

The wind was like a slanting forehead, and she walked to Zhang Qinle in one step, and her feet flew out.

Zhang Qinle's body slammed into the wall of the dungeon and gradually slipped off the wall. She coughed up a blood.

Comparing the pain on the broken arm, these pains are nothing to her.

She is only asking for one death now, and it is better to die than to die like this!

"Your daughter is related to the Tianling people. You are not destined to be calm. Hahaha! Besides everyone else, if anyone knows about your daughter, they will come to you. The wind is like, if you know it. She will bring so many disasters, wouldn't you have born her at that time?"

As the wind stepped forward, a single hand smashed Zhang Qinle, and then slammed her on the ground.

"Do you want to irritate me? Let me kill you under anger?" The wind sneered and looked down at Zhang Qinle on the ground. "No, if I am angry, it will only make you more painful, and will never let you dead!"

Zhang Qinle’s face panicked and panicked: “You are a demon, a demon! Why don’t you kill me, you kill me, beg you to kill me!”

This life is not as good as death, she has not wanted to, and only want to die.

In the afterlife, she no longer wants to work for the Nine Gates, and never wants to provoke such a devil!

In fact, Zhang Qinle still doesn't know what he is doing wrong now. Nine doors let her bring back to summer and summer, but she is good at making opinions and hurts Tang Yin and Xiaoya. If it is not special, it is already a soul. The enclave.

Of course, just because she wants to steal the summer and summer, the wind will not let her die easily.

"I beg you to kill me, beg you..."

Zhang Qinle trembled and feared.

She looked at the wind and looked like she was watching a devil...

"I said... I will make you feel better than death, and it is not so easy to die."

(End of this chapter)

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