The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 1776: Didn't harm her? (three)

Chapter 1776 does not harm her? (three)

Nan Luo lowered his head: "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it."

"I didn't do it on purpose. Now the girls are so annoying, they are not as good as my family."

Nan Luo a glimpse.

This in Baifengkou is the granddaughter of Tianya...

It turned out that this little pet of my aunt liked her so much.

"I didn't mean it. I liked my aunt to come to her, really." Nan Luo Yang's face, her look is sincere and sincere.

Bai Feng sneered and said: "Who knows what you are thinking, what good things can Nanfang's daughter have?"

Nan Luo Wei Wei, the aunt had driven her out because she was the father’s daughter...

Because she is the father's daughter, so she is so deep on her prejudice?

She clearly started her...and helped her...

"I am the father's daughter, there is nothing wrong, but I will not hurt my aunt," Nan Luo hearted, she took the medicine bag out of her clothes. "This is what I asked my aunt to take. I have already given me several times." Day, I have a lot of opportunities to harm my aunt, but I have never done this."

There is tears in the scorpion of Nanluo: "I really like my aunt. She is the only one who has given me warmth, even if she just said a few words to me..."

Originally, Nanlu thought that Bai Feng would be shocked after seeing this drug pack, but it didn't have much expression, and even some sniffed.

Nanlu bite the lip: "This drug pack is commonly used by me to confuse the spirit beast. If she takes it to her aunt, she will listen to what I am saying. I don't want to harm my aunt, but I have never used it for her."

Bai Feng sneered and said: "I and Suyi have already known..."

Its words, such as the same cold wind, let Nan Luo violently shuddered, unbelievably raised the scorpion, clenched the hand of the drug pack did not feel the strength.

Aunt... I already knew it?

If she didn't take it out on her own initiative, but she was discovered by her aunt, would she... wouldn't like her again?


The tears of Nanluo came out at this moment like spring water.

"I really didn't hurt my aunt."

Bai Feng has no expression, and his voice is indifferent: "You moved the teapot on the table yesterday, and you know the clothes."

Since Nan Luo had already said it, Bai Feng was too lazy to go around with her, and directly said her past behavior.

The heart of Nanluo trembled and slowly closed her eyes. No matter what she did, her aunt knew.

"I forced me to do this. Otherwise, she would marry me, torture me, punish me, I am afraid... I was really scared at the time, he was an authority in the South, I dare not listen. His words, yes... I hesitated yesterday because I really like my aunt and didn't want to do anything that hurts her, so I stopped..."

The tears flowed down and saturated the girl's face.

"When you came back, I was planning to go."

Bai Feng looked at Nan Luo seriously and still judged her words.


He watched for a long time, and did not see any panic from the girl's face, as if this was all true.

Bai Feng does not believe that the daughter of Nanfang is really so kind, and perhaps even intuitive. He feels that the girl in front of her is even less credible.

"I don't judge you or me. I will only tell you all about these things. Can you believe that you are looking at your own clothes? I believe her judgment, and..."

Bai Feng looked down at the portrait in his claws and sneered: "The portrait is not the son of Suyi. Suyi has no son, only one of her... apprentice..."

(End of this chapter)

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