Chapter 1777 Angry Father


For Bai Feng’s words, Nan Luo is absolutely unbelievable.

But she is not stupid enough to refute it.

"Oh, I know..." South Luoyang started, her face looked a little pitiful. "Can you tell this to my aunt? I really like her, even if my father forced me to do this, but I Still afraid that my aunt will misunderstand..."

Bai Feng’s meal, it looked at Nan Luo’s pitiful little face and his heart was deep.

"No, I will never deceive the clothes, and I will not deceive the clothes for other women. You will go out immediately. If you come to the room of Suyi, I will swear."

Nan Luo's face was white, and she finally looked at Bai Feng and eventually went out.

Looking at the direction of Nanluo’s departure, Bai Feng snorted. He looked at the teapot on the table and sighed: “It seems that I have to change the tea set...”

Also, it always has an intuition that this woman is not like the superficial one. If Suyi is too close to her, she does not know how to be killed by her...

It is better to be farther away from her in the future.


A small, quiet courtyard in the south home has been heavily guarded, and no one can enter it.

In the room, there was a sound of coughing, which sounded so bad that I couldn’t wait to cough up the lungs.

The two guards guarded the door, like two mountains, guarding this.

However, when the two guards saw the middle-aged man on the way, he hurriedly let the road open and let him go in.


The door was opened, and Nanfang saw the old man lying on the bed.

Compared with two years ago, the old man is now full of oil lamps, skinny skinny, the whole person is very miserable.

There is no limit to the scenery of the year.

"The righteous father."

Nanfang walked slowly to the bed and stopped. He held his back with one hand and a smile on his lips.

The old man closed his eyes, and Xu even looked at him and looked at him a little.

"I just want to know one thing. If you know that there is today, will you give me the clothes in the past?" Nanfang bent down and got in front of the old man, the smile was cruel and cruel." If she married you, she and she would not be so miserable."

Nan Laozi still closed his eyes, calm as if he did not hear Nanfang.

"I know that if I give you another chance, I hope that you will never accept me, but it is a pity that you have accepted me as a adopted child and gave me a southern surname. You are personally leaving me the home of the South. ”

"And, don't you not want me to be a good girl? But soon, I will let her... willingly marry me, hahaha!"

Nanfang laughed twice, and the laughter was arrogant and arrogant, but the body of Nan’s father was shaking.

He was weak, but he opened his eyes and turned his eyes to Nanfang.

The look of the old man is like a sword. Just like the coldness of the year, he is already without the majesty.

"The righteous father."

Nanfang smiled coldly: "You have to remember, I am the owner of the South. Now, if you want to keep your daughter, you must make me happy! And... the nine people have already reconciled with me."

The old face of the old man was red, and he lifted his hand and pointed to Nanfang.

He will never forget how the nine people of that year humiliated his daughter.

This hatred, not wearing the sky, will never forget!

Can Nanfang, not only the world's soul beasts have no freedom, the same, but also reconciliation with the nine doors...

Ps: This is the case today. My quilt is calling me, 10 chapters tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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