The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 1779: Father is not going to die (2)

Chapter 1779, Father is not going to work anymore. (2)

at the same time……

On a hill not far from the south, the wind stopped as it stopped, and the eyes stared at the unreachable city in front, and the breeze passed, her red dress was rising in the wind.

Xia Xia’s standing next to the wind is not too much. A small face powder is very cute.

Her eyes are bright and bright, and she is as bright as the stars in the sky.

Standing on the side of the wind, the man who is as beautiful as a fairy, he looks cold and seems to be thinking.

"South String, bypassing this hill, it is estimated that it is the South City..." The wind looked back and looked at the South String. "However, we have heard a lot of news all the way. It is said that the home of the South family seems to be no good, so I have to make some preparations before going to the South."

"it is good."

The South String smiled slightly, and he looked at the wind and looked at him with tenderness.

However, when he turned to look at the direction of the South City, the original gentleness was chilly...


South home.

With a bang, the door was pushed open.

Su Yi looked up a little bit impatient, and when she saw the girl who was in a hurry, her face looked even more ugly.

Nan Luo ran in a panic, her face was anxious, and at first glance she saw the plain clothes sitting at the table, and the tears almost flowed out.

Of course, I don’t know whether it’s true or false.

"Aunt, grandpa, he won't be able to."


The cup in the hands of Suyi slammed down and fell to the ground. She stood up from the chair and could not stand still.

"What did you say?"

The old man is going to die?

At this moment, the whole heart of Suyi quickly stopped beating. She rushed to the outside of the door and rushed to the face with impatience.

Bai Feng also chased it out, and he didn't know what he was thinking in his cold eyes.

South home backyard.

It was once the most secluded courtyard, and it was already full of people.

Everyone in the South is old and young, and only for the last journey of the South Father.

Far away, they saw a woman who ran quickly from a distance.

The woman is still in white, light and elegant, just like the year.

Wei Wei looked at the face of Su Yi, who did not show any traces of the years, and her face was quite ugly. She took her eyes back with a cold sigh and never looked at her again.


Just as Suyi just wanted to rush into the courtyard, the group of guards suddenly stepped forward and blocked her way.

Suyi was furious, and she quickly pulled out the long sword and swept away toward the group of guards in the wind.

The group of guards was not the opponent of Suyi. Under this gust of wind, the body flew out and fell into the yard.

However, just in the moment when the guards fell to the ground, the elders of the South House moved up and blocked the plain clothes.

"Get out of the way!" Suyi clenched the sword in his hand and screamed with a blank expression.

"Nan Suyi, you are not enough to put the old man in the same year? Now he has only the last breath, do you still want to mad at him?" A young man pointed to Nan Suyi, yelling.

Everyone looked at her eyes with hostility. If the owner of the family left the old clothes, the people who fell in love with the filial piety, they would never allow her to step into the South!

"I let you get out!"

The body of Suyi was shaking, and her mind kept echoing the words of Nanluo.

(End of this chapter)

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