The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 1780: Father is not going to die (3)

Chapter 1780, Father is not going to work anymore (3)

Father... It’s not going to work!

That is in this South, the only person who loves her.

It was the person who used her to be a favorite.

If these people want to stop her today, then she must kill a **** road, but also must go to the father's side, even if only to see his last side!

"Suyi!" Wei Wei finally opened his mouth and looked cold. "You don't think that Nanfang has a bit of old love for you. You can do whatever you want in the South. The old man doesn't want to see you at all. If you go, Maybe he will die."

"Yes, Nan Suyi, my father is your biological father. Even if you have never grown up beside him, he is still your father. It’s hard that you really hate the old man, and you can’t wait for him to die. Eyes?"


This time, Su Yi did not talk nonsense with these people. The sword in her hand brought a storm and swiftly went. In an instant, the people in front of him would fly away for a distance.

However, the elders of the South are not the guards. The forces are very strong. At most, after flying out for a distance, they stabilized their footsteps. Like Taishan, they seemed to be in front of the door, and she was not allowed to step closer.

Bai Fengqi flew into the sky, and the wings were like a strong storm. The anger of the whole phoenix was ignited, only because he understood. These people have hurt his favorite clothes!

"Nan Luo, you give me over!"

Wei Wei saw Nan Luo, standing next to the plain clothes, and looked cold and shouted.

Nan Luo had a panic at the bottom of her heart. She bit her lip and finally went away like Wei Wei.

Wei Wei raised her hand and a slap in the face of her face, with no expression: "Who asked you to find a plain clothes?"

"I..." Nan Luo did not dare to speak with his head down.

Is it difficult for her to tell her mother that she is selfish in the face of plain clothes?

Nan the mother of the man, how can she not care.

Su Yiben had some opinions on her, she can only do her best to recover, only then, she has a chance...

But the mother's gaze has always been on her brother's body, never paying attention to her.

The sky is steep and dark, and the clouds are dense.

The woman standing under the cloud, a blue silk flying, the sword in her hand with a violent wind, slowly walked toward the people in front.

Somehow, seeing the South Suyi today, at this moment, their hearts actually felt oppressive.

Their heart is so uncomfortable with this pressure.

"I said it, you all give me away!"

Today, no one can stop her from going to her father's side, even if the South is **** into the river!

The wind is blowing.

The storm surged from the whole body of Suyi and turned into a powerful force. The bang slammed into the foremost old man.

This old man did not have any resistance, his body was like an arrow from the string, and he slammed out, and he slammed into a strong force...

Everyone was stunned and looked at the chilly and sultry clothes. It was a time... I didn’t dare to move.


Suddenly, a cold drink rang.

When the people turned their heads, they saw Nanfang coming out of the courtyard. His eyes fell on the clothes of Suyi, and there was helplessness in his tone.

"Suyi, don't make trouble, at first... the righteous father asked you to marry me, you refused to do so, and angered his father for this. Now his father is still angry, so don't irritate him."

(End of this chapter)

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