Chapter 1826 Awards?

Tianya’s fist was tightly held, but before he could see Nalanjing, he still endured the emotions and asked with a blank expression: “People!”

Zhang Tianlei carefully looked at the expression of the end of the world. After seeing the old guy’s colder face, he felt a little stunned.

Was it that when he came, he did not bring the guy to the end of the world, so the end of the world is not happy?

"Today is still in the inn, the general of the end of the world, I will let him bring him."

Zhang Tianlei quickly made a wink at the person next to him and ordered him to bring Nalanjing.

The person next to him saw Zhang Tianlei's eyes and hurried back.

Today, the wind is a little warm, and I can pass through Tang Yin’s heart. I always feel cold.

Her little fists are getting tighter and tighter, looking at Zhang Tianlei's eyes with hatred.

Zhang Tianlei’s monk, who is like Zhang’s two, can’t figure out what to do. I don’t know when I offended the little girl around the end of the world. It’s as if he killed her family...

"General Tianya, I have something unclear. When did I offend the little girl?"

He was confused and frowned.

The end of the world is still expressionless, and there are endless storms hidden in the eyes.

"When is the person coming?"

"The place is not far away, it should be very fast."

Tianya did not answer his words, he did not dare to continue to ask, for fear of offending the old guy.

As time passed by, Zhang Tianlei was a little bit old and uncomfortable.

Fortunately, his people soon dragged the half-dead Nalan net.

His heart also quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

Nalan net was sent, Tianya should not be cold-faced to him again?

In an instant, a gust of wind passed, and the figure of the end of the world fell to the side of Nalanjing, and he took it from Zhang Tianlei’s arms and threw it to Tang Yin.

Although Nalanjing is thin, an adult man still has a lot of weight, but Tang Yin has easily caught him.

"Look, is it him?"

Tang Yin’s low-pitched, falling into her eyes is a handsome face.

Just like two years ago.

This face will also show her a bright smile.

Now, he will never laugh again!

Tang Yin’s fingers licked the man’s facial features, and the tears flowed down, instantly soaking her face.

Zhang Tianlei only pays attention to the horizon, and the hatred of Tang Yin’s eyes just made him feel a little worried. He never looked at her again, but he did not see the moment when Tang Yin saw Nalanjing, the grief of his eyes. Desire.

Under the gust of wind, Tianya turned his back to Tang Yin, and his voice could not hear any emotions.

"Pour in the room, you send him to the dumper, you don't have to use it, the next thing, I will handle it well."

Tang Yin naturally understands that it is most important to treat his cousin and nephew now, and there is no dispute with the end of the world. She nodded. Before leaving, she looked at Zhang Tianlei with a murderous look.

Even if Zhang Tianlei didn't look to Tang Yin, he felt the murderousness. He trembled and showed a smile.

"General of the End of the World, I have already sent people, I don't know the rewards promised by Tianyafu..."

"Of course it will be for you!" Tianya sneered and walked toward Zhang Tianlei.

Zhang Tianlei smiled and said: "Well, the generals of the world are naturally trustworthy..."


The last word has not yet fallen, and the red dress of the end of the world is arrogant, and one foot falls on the head of Zhang Tianlei.

He flew out the whole person and knocked the walls down.

Ps: There are

(End of this chapter)

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