The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 1827: Injure his price

Chapter 1827 hurt his price

Zhang Tianlei wrestled, and he stared blankly at the end of the world. His eyes were full of doubts: "General Tianya, you are..."

The end of the world is a fist, and Zhang Tianlei’s eyes are staring at Venus, dizzy, sweet throat, and almost fainted.

Waiting for Zhang Tianlei to ask for an exit, another fist fell, and the whole person was once again smashed out, and a blood sprayed out and landed on the ground.

Then, an old voice rang from the top of his head, with anger that could not be hidden.

"His side, is there still a little girl who has already ran?"

Zhang Tianlei’s strange head, it’s hard to be the end of the world, to bring Nalan’s nephew together. He only brought back one, didn’t bring back Nalan’s nephew, so he was angry?

"General of the End of the World, the little girl ran away."

"Then you know where she is now?" Tianya looked cold and murmurous.

Zhang Tianlei is pale and his body is a little cold: "I don't know..."


The end of the world fell, and stepped on Zhang Tianlei's chest.

"She is in my house!"

This sentence makes Zhang Tianlei even more confused, and I don’t know what the meaning of Tianya is now.

Nalan's nephew is in his house?


"Then do you know why, I want to send a portrait to find Nalanjing?" Tianya took his foot back and asked with a blank expression.

"I..." Zhang Tianlei bit his teeth: "I don't know..."

"Because he is the grandfather of Nalan, it is my family!"

Because his grandfather of Nalan, is my family!

This voice fell into the mind of Zhang Tianlei, and he was a little embarrassed.

After a while, he only understood this relationship.

And Nalan's grandfather formed a family... That is to say, Nalan is the cousin of his granddaughter?


His head exploded in a moment, a blank, horrified eyes staring at the horizon, with despair in his eyes.

"He He……"

At this moment, the endless panic invaded his heart, leaving his face with all the blood.

Why is this happening!

He rushed to rush to please the end of the world, who knows this Nalan net even the eldest brother of the End of the World?

"You finally guess, you treat Nalan's brother and sister like this, what is the end?" The face of the world is gloomy, and the red dress is like a reddish blood, full of murderous.

Half a ring, Zhang Tianlei only slowed down.

He panicked completely, climbed up from the ground, kneeling in front of the horizon, screaming.

"The general was forgiving. I didn't know anything. Nalan was not dead. He was still alive. I didn't kill him. Really, he is still alive..."

If you don't see the general's notice, perhaps Nalan is dead.

At that time, he thought about leaving a living mouth to hang his life.

Fortunately... fortunately he left alive.

Otherwise, no matter how pleading, it is useless.

"What do you mean, Nalan is white and hurt?" Tianya sneered and asked.

Zhang Tianlei’s head has coughed up blood, purple and purple: "General you can abolish my city, you can also abolish my strength, but I beg you, I don't want to die, please spare me a life."

The smile of the horizon is even more ridiculous: "Then you continue to guess, hurting his price."

Upon hearing this, Zhang Tianlei understood that Tianya did not want to let him go easily.

He raised his head stiffly, swallowed a hard mouth, and his voice trembled: "I..."

(End of this chapter)

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