Chapter 1951 Battle (3)

What's wrong with his revenge for those people?

Had it not been for the nine emperors who had provoked them, they would have failed to catch the nine emperors, and they would not have started to Nanchangfeng!


The wind looked at Mu Yi indifferently.

This person's mind has been completely distorted. With this kind of person, there is nothing to say.

Nanxian shook her hand like a wind tightly and struck a light in her eyes: "Qinger, do you believe me?"

The wind was trembling slightly and nodded.


"Okay, then I tell you, you keep walking forward. Don't look back. At the end of this palace, there is something, which was left by the Nine Emperor. I just remembered it all ...

What did Jiu Emperor leave behind?

Mu Yi looked at Nanxuan in doubt.

He also stayed in the palace for a long time. Why didn't he find anything else in the palace?

Could not help but a flash of light flashed from the eyes, Mu Yi quickly rushed towards the inside of the palace.

He left only one sentence, echoing with echoes, wandering inside the palace.

"I'll come back to you later! Anyway, you can't escape, hahaha!"

He laughed arrogantly for a long time.

Feng Ruqing did not move, quietly watching Mu Yi left.

Qing Han was anxious: "Mother-in-law, what the cheap dad said is going to be snatched, we need to hurry to **** it back."

Fengru raised her eyebrows and sneered, "If there is something about the nine emperors in front, Nanxian will not say it in front of him. He just wants to take Mu Yi for a while.

Nanxian smiled.

Many times, he doesn't need to say anything, Qinger understands what he thinks.

"Qinger, there is indeed something in the palace, left by the nine emperors."

"But not where I say it, but at the beginning of ..."

Where does it start?

The wind was pouring slightly surprised.

"You go back and open the painting on the wall."

As soon as Nanxuan's words fell, the violent breath ahead came.

Nanxian's face changed: "Come on! I'm blocking him!"

Mu Yi is fast, and he is familiar with the whole palace, so he quickly returned.

Feng Ruqing's heart sank, and he looked at Nanxuan with some worry.

But she knew what was most important now.

Therefore, she turned back without hesitation and rushed away in the direction she came.

Without a moment of cutting, Mu Yi has reached Nanxian, and his eyes are thin with anger, and he yells, "Nan Changfeng, how dare you lie to me! Do you deceive me so much, do you want to let Jiudian escape? "

The long sword in Nanxian's hand raised, "I won't let anyone hurt her."

"Hehe," Mu Yi sneered, "she can't escape the spirit beast mountains, and after I have solved you, go to her again!"

Neither of them can escape!


Feng Ruqing never looked back from beginning to end, she ran to the place where she came in at the fastest speed.

This is a lobby.

On the walls of the lobby, countless living spirits are painted.

These spirit beasts seem to be jumping out of the painting, so real.

"Nanxun said that these paintings on the wall can be opened."

The wind frowned and went to the wall.

Xiao Jian made a humming sound, as if responding to something.

Wind-like fingers gently rubbed the painting on the wall, she felt quietly.

When her finger touched a dragon, the dragon's scales flashed a light, and she cracked her finger with a click.

(End of this chapter)

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