The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 1977: Fighting (twenty-nine)

Chapter 1977 Fighting (twenty-nine)

Dragon Scale is still stopping his advance, and every time he advances, he will be pushed out by that force.


Looking at the increasingly pale face of the wind, Nanxian clenched his fists tightly. He gathered all the power to the sword and moved forward under the pressure of the dragon scales ...

This time, he stuck the sword in his hand firmly to the ground, and every time the power of the dragon scale struck, he used this to make himself stand firmly, and no longer step back.



Feng Ruqing spit out blood again, but her face was firm, and her eyes made the decision to look dead.

Because only she understood that only in this way could the person in front of him be killed.

Only those she loves can be safe ...

Suddenly, a warm hand did not know when she appeared on her side, and her body was tightly in her arms.

This warm feeling shocked the wind, and when she turned her eyes, she saw the gentle and handsome face of a man.

"South String ..."

"Qinger, I never need you to guard."

The man smiled tenderly.

Xu Shi finally came to her side, and Nanxian finally relaxed a lot.

Perhaps only when he met her could he be at ease.

"I'll face you with you whenever I want."

No matter how difficult and dangerous we are, we will definitely pass by.


When the wind slumped, the power of the dragon scales became violent.

The whole palace was shaken again.

Nanxian hugged the wind tightly, holding her firmly in her arms.

The Maki in front was also a bit surprised, and didn't understand what happened ...

Suddenly, the ground under his feet cracked, and the entire palace fell instantly.

Feng Ruqing's heart tightened and she held Nanxian's hand tightly. Her entire body fell down like she had fallen into a world with no bottom ...

"My dear!"

A panic came, echoing for a long time.

The wind stiffened and finally stabilized the body, then opened his eyes again, and found that it was a dark place, only a faint light flashed before his eyes.

Following the sound, the wind saw the two little guys not far away at a glance.

Qing Han's eyes fluttered, and she hurried to the wind as if leaning.

There was no field under their feet, they just drifted into the air.

"My dear, this place is a bit familiar."

Familiar with?

The wind is frowning, and Qing Han never leaves Shen Yaozong. Why do you feel familiar here?

"It seems like ... Fuchen and I were born here again."

Qing Han frowned: "But I don't remember too many things. I only know that the nine emperors picked us up and took care of them. I have forgotten everything else, but just vaguely thought that I and Fuchen should be from this. Place, here we have a familiar taste, there should be many similar ... "

In the world, there are few elixir that can transform people.

Qing Han and Fu Chen are relatively special beings.

If they come from this place, is that proof ...

Just as the wind was hesitant, a long-lost and familiar voice came from her space.

"the host……"

The sound ... ball?

The wind was pouring, and as soon as she raised her hand, there was a girl with a thin cloth in front of her.

The girl was still that ignorant, with an innocent smile on her face.


She has been away from the wind for too long.

(End of this chapter)

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