The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 1978: Fighting (Thirty)

Chapter 1978 Fighting (Thirty)

The wind is like a joy in his eyes.

At first, in order to save her, the ball gave up all her power and turned into the body. After that, she picked him into the space.

I wanted to wait for her to swallow enough spiritual power, and naturally she can transform again. I didn't expect that after coming to this place, the ball could be transformed into a human figure ...

"Qing Han and Fuchen are elixirs, and the ball is also the elixir. But the ball gave me all her strength to get me out of the forbidden area and turned herself into the body. Can it be transformed into a human form, is this place ... really related to the elixir's ability to transform humans? "

The wind frowned slightly.

"I don't know." Nanxian held up Feng Ruqing's hand, "You don't remember?"

"Well, I didn't pick them up here. When I picked them up, they were already on the mainland, so I wasn't sure."

This palace is on Fengshan, and it is estimated that Muyi moved the Spirit Beast Mountains to it.

So ...

It may be a coincidence that it happened to be in this place.

The dragon scale's aura is too powerful, and they inadvertently let them penetrate this space.

"There are so many things on the mainland, and it is not surprising that there are such places."

As the wind turned his head, he saw Mu Yi returning to God.

Mu Yi's face flashed a chill, and his lips sneered: "No matter where you are now, you will never escape."


In the entire space, there are suddenly numerous vines, and they are pulled towards Mu Yi in an instant.

Qing Han's face was cold, and he hummed: "This is my home. I hurt my mother in my home. I will never agree!"

Fuchen didn't speak.

But his figure was gradually pulled into the shape of a teenager.

Unlike Qinghan, who is always so immature, his appearance will change as his strength increases.

It's just that in order not to be ashamed of Qing Han, he won't appear like this.

Mu Yi scratched a cold mang in his eyes, and as soon as he pressed hard, he shook the vines away.

However, Qing Han did not stop, and she quickly surged out of numerous vines and went towards Mu Yi ...

at the same time.

In this darkness, countless eyes appeared.

Their eyes stared at the dragon scales in the wind as they poured their hands, with covetous hearts in their eyes.


Makiichi also noticed those eyes and realized the breath of these people, and suddenly hesitated: "These ... are all elixir."

And it is a potion that can change shape.

Spirit Beasts are easy to transform into shape.


Elixir can be transformed and rarely appears.

The two little guys in the wind are all exceptions.

But I did not expect that there are so many magic pills that can change shape at this moment.

If he can eat these elixir, he will certainly break through as a martial arts god!

And the nine emperors thousands of years ago were just demigods ...

"Hahaha! I didn't expect God to wish me this place."

He laughed twice, no longer caring about Feng Ru Qing and Nan Xian and others, and rushed towards those elixir.

All those eyes came out of the darkness, all were a group of children, and their eyes were still naive.

Seeing Mu Yi rushing towards them, he couldn't help but be a little panicked, and hurried to avoid them.

These elixir have never left this place, have not experienced fighting, and do not understand the sinister heart.

(End of this chapter)

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