The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 806: Do not let anyone bully the South String (six)

Chapter 806 does not let anyone bully the South String (six)

Chapter 843 does not let anyone bully the South String (6)

Mu Ling and Chen Guangyu in the lobby did not notice him, until the exhalation of the next person came, so that the two people in the lobby would slow down.

"Young master, what happened to you, young master?"

Mu Xi wants to cry.

There was no way to make a sound in his throat. He couldn’t call out for help. Fortunately, someone finally saw him!

Chen Guangyu also heard this voice. She turned her head and looked at it. She saw Mu Xi lying on the ground, her face pale, and the whole person who was hurt was curled up.

Her heart panicked and quickly went out: "Hee, Hee, how are you? Don't scare your mother, hurry, go and ask Master Hairong."

"Yes, little lady."

The next person will retreat with a sigh of relief...


In the small courtyard.

Luo Li has already left.

When the wind was just sitting, a soft body rushed into her arms, and the whole person seemed to hang on her like a pendant.


Qing Han smiled, and both hands hooked the neck of the wind, and he kissed her face with a sip: "Mother, I miss you."

The wind is like a little girl in the arms, and the lips are rising: "How come you wake up so fast this time? Fuchen?"

"Fuchen brother is still sleeping, I was awakened by the same thing."


The wind blew his brow and asked.

"I don't know," Qing Han's gaze was stunned. "Just today, there is something in the place you went to call me all the time, and I woke up."

"Do you know the specific place?"

“Well,” Qing Han nodded. “It’s the street where the pharmacy is located, and then go ten miles.”

After coming to the Tenjin House, the wind has already touched the terrain.

Go further ten miles...

Isn't that the place where the government is located?

There is no family in Sanli near the home of the government.

What is the thing that Qing Han said, in the city government?

She was silent and had not spoken for a long time.

Qing Han squinted with a small mouth, with a faint tear in his eyes: "Mother, I want, I want that kind of thing, it has been calling me, so poor, but also shouted me from my sleep, hurting The elixir in my stomach has not been digested, and the strength has not improved too much."

It is very pitiful to be forced to wake her up. If she still can't get such a thing, then she should be wronged.

Seeing the poor appearance of Qinghan, the wind touched her little head: "I heard Lolly mention it, and after a few days, it was the birth of Miss Dao’s family, so Lori’s 爹I am busy preparing gifts, so I will let Luo Li take me over, and then look carefully for what is calling you."

Qing Han broke into a smile, the smile was lovely and splendid, and the face powder was tender and tender, it was really flattering.

She slammed her face with a small face: "Mother is really good."

"Hey," the wind squeezed the little girl's face. "After all, you are also a cheap daughter I came to. You can't help me if you call me a mother."

"Well, I will always be very embarrassed, very listen to my mother's words, the mother wants me to bite, I will bite who."

She and Fu Chen have been alone for so many years, and the mother has appeared, so that they will not continue to be lonely, and no need to hungry again.

As long as she does not leave, she will be very obedient and will never get angry with her.

(End of this chapter)

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