The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 809: Being stopped outside (3)

Chapter 809 is blocked outside (3)

Not long after she left, a robes came out from behind and stood in the place where Qin Xiaoyu was standing.

"She promised?" Qin Li looked cold and his face was obviously disgusted.

If she is his sister, such a woman who is unclean and unclean, I really don't want to admit it.

"Yeah." Wen Yu's lips rose, staring at the direction of Qin Xiaoyu's departure.

Qin Li sighed for a while: "Okay, then I will find a way to let the doctors of the government office not appear in the banquet on the same day."

In this way, no one can ever find the same thing about the elixir.

"When we do this, will it harm the Xiaoyan?" When Wen Yu arrived at this time, he was concerned about Qin Xiaoyu and asked with a slight sorrow.

Qin Li no expression: "She is not a Luo family, she will not be implicated in her, and no one knows that she has changed her elixir."

What he has to do is never to let Luo Fei and Gu Shixin have a gap.


Let the Luo family and the government of the government completely destroy!

"That..." After a short while, Wen Yu asked again, "How can you guarantee that Gu Yiyi will take the next elixir on the spot?"

Qin Li smiled coldly: "I have my own way, but whether or not Gu Yiyi will take it on the spot, even if she is taking it in the future, Gu will know that Luo Fei has harmed Gu Yiyi! Gu Yiyi is the life of Gu Shi. If she is killed, Gu will definitely go crazy! Maybe he has no desire to live."

Gu Shi, a person who is not well-informed, why should he be the head of the gods?

Since he can kill the predecessor of the predecessor, then others can naturally!

Wen Yu smiled and said: "Maybe Xiaozhen really thought that you hated Luo Jia, in order to avenge you?"

"Oh," Qin Li satirized the lips, and the laughter was very cold. "I am looking for Luojia as a scapegoat, just because of convenience. Gu Shi should not be the seat of this house! He does not have this ability!"

At first he had not started because he had not made a breakthrough.

Even if you get rid of Gu Shi, there are other family members who can go up.

But this time is different...

The position of the head of the Tenjin House must be his!

The night is quiet.

At the moment, the capital of the city is brightly lit and very lively.

Countless beasts and mounts stopped in front of the gate of the government house. Those who were rarely seen before were not afraid to violate the instructions of the government. They stopped at the door and pulled the beast to the side and smiled. People with other forces are chilling.

"Slightly," Mu Ling pulled the reins of the Qingma, and immediately squatted down, and then took a scornful waist, and hugged her from the moment, the voice was gentle, "Be careful, don't fall." ”

Chen Xiaoyan smiled shyly, leaning on Muling's arms and jumping from the horse back by his strength.

Mu Huan is also following from the rear, her eyebrows are contemptuous and look cold and proud.

Suddenly, her footsteps stopped, her cold eyes gazed at the slightly familiar figure, and she clenched her fists.

Why did the despicable little girl come to the government?

"Happiness, what's wrong?" Chen Guangyu found the strangeness of Mu Huan and asked back.

"It's nothing."

Mu Huan’s heart is burning, and naturally he is not willing to say anything.

Moreover, she said what is the use?

In order to show his generosity, the mother-in-law looked at the South String as a self-existing one. Hee was clearly poisoned by the woman of the South String, and has not yet been able to get up from the bed.

(End of this chapter)

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