Chapter 815 Dinner (4)

Qin Qiner, has become a matter of course, never thought about sharing something with her.

That's it.

But all the people in the Tenjin House are talking about it. Everyone said that Qin Yuer was very good to her, and she was so heartbroken. If she had a little bit of anger to Qin Qin, it must be her fault!

Now even her jealousy is such a thought!

"Small dump, I want to go back..." Luo Li bit her lip, tears and stubbornly do not fall down. "I don't like everyone here, I want to leave."

The wind turned back and looked at the courtyard of the main house of the eye. After all, I finally took my eyes back.

"Okay, let's go back."

When the voice just fell, her soul heard an anxious voice: "Mother, my mother, I don't want to go back, that thing is still calling me, I already know the specific place..."

The wind swayed under the eyes and used the soul to convey the voice: "Green han, I will think of other ways to come over. Now, I will send Luo Li back, what you want, I will definitely help you."

This is undoubtedly a good opportunity for her, but the opportunity is not only this time.

She heard that the young lady of the government office is also a fat man of two hundred and five.

If she wants to get into the government, she can take advantage of other opportunities.

There is no need to let Lori feel sad here.

"Okay..." Qing Han’s voice committee was bent.

Mother is a fancy, don't think she doesn't know.

Big deal... then come back next time.

Good children can't help but listen to the mother.


Luo Fei’s face flashed anxiously: “Where are you going? I just... just don’t want to let you go to the sea, only to persuade you to reconcile with your nephew. Why don’t you listen to me?”

The wind was clearly felt, and Lori’s palms became colder and colder.

Luo Fei was a guilty one. He did not ask whether his own daughter suffered any grievances and only talked for Qin Yuer.

He never cared about whether she really needed his self-righteousness.

"Lolly," the wind stopped, and "wait for a while."

Lori stunned and looked at the wind with a stunned look.

The wind lifted her hand, and the light gaze turned to Luo Fei.

"If... you are not Lori's jealousy, I am afraid I have even played you."

Luo Fei: "..."

She was the first time she saw such an arrogant girl.

"You keep Roli and Qin Yuer reconciled, then you know that when Luo Li was deliberately burned by Qin Xiaoyu on the first floor, she was anxious to leave the treatment. It was Qin Yuer who kept pulling her, no. Let her leave, but let Lurley forgive Qin Xiaoyu as a matter of fact."

"Do you know that her wound has been burnt to such a degree? When she returned to Luo family on the same day, I had already treated the wound for her. Before that, it was even more serious. Don't say that Qin Qin did not know that she was injured. This statement is very ridiculous. I really care about one person. How can I not find her pain?"


Luo Fei stunned, and his eyes turned to Qin Xiaoyu.

Xiao Yan never told him that Qin Xiaoer was there on the same day, not to mention that Qin Xiaoer had been pulling Luo Li to treat the wound.

Lier was spoiled from childhood, and she was so painful at the time...

"In these years, her grievances have been enough." The wind is slowly approaching a few steps. "It is not her every time she is wrong. Qin Xiaoer let her let others, what others want, just Let Lie give it to her, why? Everyone knows that Qin Xiaoer is a good person, but I don’t know, she is using Luo Li as a good person."

(End of this chapter)

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