Chapter 820 Dinner (9)

When Missy was obese, she didn't dislike her. She looked good and had a good temper. Oh, yes, this girl seems to be the little girl who the owner said.

The last request from the owner is to talk to Missy about the little girl.

Then... she talks about herself, is there no problem?

Therefore, the government has set so many demanding requirements, is it tailored for this girl?

"The owner," Gu Yu pondered for a moment, "You asked me to find a good husband for the lady. I have found it now. I think the girl is quite good. There is nothing for the two women, so... ”


Gu began to scream.

The baby girl is already awkward.

This idiot dare to mention this.

Does he want to let the government house never?

"Small dump, today is my birthday, have you brought any gifts for me?" Gu Yiyi squinted his eyes and looked at her with the look of expectation.

Everyone’s eyes are also on the wind.

Qin Xiaoyu sneered, and couldn't help but open his mouth: "Miss Gu, this girl is just a woman of ordinary family. You let her take out a gift in public, isn't it embarrassing her? But since Miss Gu said, what did she say? I have to take it out first."

"Qin girl!"

Gu Shi’s face was a bit cold, and Xiao Yan swept through Xiao Xiaowei’s words: “What do my daughters do, and they can’t let others make irresponsible remarks? You can manage yourself, otherwise I’m going to God’s house. There is no place for you."

Qin Xiaoyu’s face is embarrassing. She just said a few words with kindness. Who knows that the head of the house is so small, even Luo Fei can’t match it.

"Small sly." Luo Fei is also a little unhappy, his brows are light and wrinkled. "You don't have to talk too much, standing quietly."

Qin Xiaoyu was dissatisfied, and knew that Gu’s status could not be shaken. She could only stand on the side, and stared at the wind with her grievous eyes.

Qin Xiaoer did not have the same mouth as Qin Xiaoyu, she still knew what to say on what occasion.

It can be seen that the relationship between the wind and the one-on-one relationship is so close, her heart is even more unpleasant, and there is no trace of blood on one face.


Gu Yiyi’s temper was originally bad, and Qin Xiaoxuan dared to speak with her in the tone of the lesson.

Her gas almost jumped up, or the wind on the side pulled her first.

"Since today is your birthday, we don't have to pay attention to these people at the dinner party, but I really didn't prepare for your birthday gift. So, I will give you a copy, do you have any paper and pencil?"


Gu Yiyi is full of joy.

As long as the wind is for her, she likes it all!

Therefore, Gu Yiyi immediately let the cockroaches take the paper and ink from the study.

The wind is like holding the paper on the hand, the brush is stained with ink, and after a few lines of light, it is handed over to Gu Yiyi.

"Your birthday gift."

Gu Yiyi’s eyes were excited and he hurriedly picked up the paper.

Since the ink on the paper is still not dry, her movements are carefully thought to be spent.

Others saw that the wind had only written a few lines of words for Gu Yiyi. Even if the writings looked good again, such gifts seemed too shabby.

From the beginning to the end, only Luo Li, standing on the side of the wind, just glimpsed a few words -

Xiaopeng wrote the elixir on the paper.

What did she write about the elixir?

The light in her eyes became more and more confused, until she remembered the wind as a spiritual remedy for the treatment of her grandmother.

(End of this chapter)

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