Chapter 823 Dinner (12)

Even though many people know the appearance of thousands of fruits, they have not seen it before, and they are really curious.

Gu began to be even more intolerant. This time, he was not only looking at Luo Fei’s face, but today is the birth of his daughter.

More importantly, he wants to know what this Qin Xiaoying will do!

It’s rare to have a second birthday, and I don’t want to make any unpleasant things.

"One, this is your gift, you come to open it." He turned to Gu Yiyi, the coldness of his face disappeared, replaced by a gentle.

"Oh," Gu Yiyi licked his mouth and walked to the front of Gu Shi. The action rudely opened the box. "I see this so-called thousand machine parameters, but it is not the case."

Inside the box, lying on a quiet doll is like a fruit.

It seems to be carved out.

But this doll-shaped fruit is crystal clear and extremely cute, so people can't bear to eat it when they see it.

Qin Xiaoyu’s mouth is slightly shallow and swells.

The arc was quickly put down, but it just fell into the wind.

The wind shrugged his shoulders: "Loli, what do you want to do after this?"

"She is not my mother."

Lori is stubborn.

Even if Luo Fei likes this woman, she can't accept her.

“Dumping,” Qin Xiao said with a smile. “You can pay attention to the fruit sent by Luo Fei. There will be a good show later.”


The wind didn't pay much attention to it. After hearing the words of Qin Yu, I only looked at the finger-sized dolls.

Her brows were lightly wrinkled, sweeping slowly, with a look in her eyes.


Among the crowd, Wen Yu’s lips and smiles, she clearly saw Qin Xiaoyu looking at her, but she was unaware of it, and she turned her eyes to a middle-aged woman not far away. Eyes.

The middle-aged woman led the **** and walked out slowly. She smiled and said: "Miss Gu, I heard that this parameter has a wonderful effect on beauty and can be effective quickly, but it is difficult to grow up because of the harsh growth. We It’s also rare to see, let’s let us witness the effect of this?”

Gu Yiyi became more and more impatient, his heart was angry and stunned, and he coldly glanced at the middle-aged woman.

Who knows that other people have heard the words of middle-aged women, and they all agree.

"I really want to see it. What is the power of this parameter? If it is really amazing, then I have to find a way to get a daughter for me."

"Miss Gu, it is better to meet us once, let us see the effectiveness of the fruit, so that I know that I have to work hard to find this parameter, is it really worthwhile."

"And, Miss Gu, don't you think that Luo Jia is definitely not as good as the girl you are looking at? If it doesn't work, let Qin Xiaoxiao understand that this gift is not as precious as she said..."

After hearing this, Gu Yiyi, who had dismissed the original, suddenly turned his eyes.

Yes, she can use this to let those who look down on the little dumper understand that this thousand-machine argument is useless.

By the way, I recommend her first floor medicinal diet for Xiao Ting.

Yes, Jiuyi has already told her the truth, the first floor is a small dump, she is the real master of the first floor, then she must have to recruit more customers for Xiaopeng.

"Well, then you are so unwilling, I will show it to you." Gu Yiyi proudly picked his lips.

(End of this chapter)

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