The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 847: Sapo's Mujia Laozi (1)

Chapter 847 Sa's Mu's Father (1)

The man also noticed Tan Shuangshuang, an uninvited guest. His gaze shifted from the book, and his eyes narrowly fell to Tan Shuangshuang.

Just a glance, he recognized the woman in front of him.

The little sister who brought his good brother back from outside.

In fact, on the first day of Tan Shuangshuang’s arrival, Mu Qingzhen was also present. At that time, she and Chen Lizhen were both incomprehensible. No one found him reading in the corner.

As a result, let him watch a good show.

"Little uncle..."

Tan Shuangshuang saw Mu Qing’s eyes as she looked at her, and her nervousness was incoherent.

Mu Jia Er is the younger brother of Mu Ling. As a woman of Mu Ling, she should be screaming at the younger brother.

Mu Qingyan frowned slightly, and after half a ring, the frowning brow of the man gradually loosened and slowly got up.

"It seems that it is another Chen."

Tan Shuangshuang: "???"

What do you mean?

Actually compare her with Chen Guangyu?

Can Chen Wei’s vicious woman compare with her?

Mu Qingyu sneered: "A little slap, and dare to call me as my nephew. Xiao Yan is just the next person who I admire. I am the only lady who is admired. There is always only one person, whether it is you or not. Chen contempt, not worthy!"

Since the nephew left, the eyes of the elder brother are really getting worse.

Looking for a woman... one is not as good as one.

Mu Qingyi did not want to stay with Tan Shuangshuang. He turned around indifferently and walked to the place where the noise came.

Tan Shuangshuang clenched his fists tightly. Her gaze looked directly at the direction of Mu Qing’s departure, and the scorpion picked up slightly.

Immediately, there was a faint and feminine smile.

At the time of Liu Yunguo, Liu Yuxi was fascinated by her. Later, Liu Fuyong also did not hesitate to fight against her wife.

In the end, even Muling... has become her man.

She does not believe that this waste person who has never touched a woman can escape her charm.

Even... she couldn’t stand up with the man who was as expensive as the moon, but she had already tasted the taste of a woman. The original Muling was so fierce that she couldn’t forget it, but she came back after she came home. Touch her, she should always... ease the empty loneliness in my heart.

Mu Qing’s man is undoubtedly her best target.


"Housekeeper, you are not allowed to stop me!"

In the depths of the courtyard, the old man gave the butler a slap in the face. His old face was full of anger: "I am going to find a plain clothes! He promised me to bring the plain clothes back. How long has it been, my child? The daughter-in-law has not returned yet, and the fox is still living in Mu's house all day long!"

There is hardship in the housekeeper’s heart.

The old man was unconscious, and now his strength has gone backwards. How do you go out and look for plain clothes?

Fortunately, although this partial hospital is a little remote, but the Feng Shui to support people, since the move, the father's body is a lot of health, will not be so sleepy.

"My homeowner, Chen Xiaozhen is not really admiring the family recently. The birthday of the owner is just around the corner. She said that she has to personally prepare a birthday gift for you, and she has been away from home for several days."

The banquet of the owner’s house has been in the past for a long time. Everyone knows that the young master and the frivolous lady have been turned away, and since that day, the frivolous lady left the Tianshen House with Mu Huan and went out to prepare for the father. Birthday gift.

Originally, it was enough for the next person to prepare. The method of Chen’s contempt was too strong. It was hard to say that personal preparation would be more filial, and the younger one would not want to give her the meal.

(End of this chapter)

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