The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 854: Another encounter with Tan Shuangshuang (3)

Chapter 854 meets Tan Shuangshuang again (3)

Even if he killed so many people, he was the one to kill. He never took the initiative to hurt others.

But others don't know.

He has been the head of the government for ten years. This girl has been relying on it and has not been taken away. She has also shrunk in the cell. I don’t know if he started to arrest people.

"To tell you the truth, although the South China Sea is a piece of sea, but because of the suppression of the formation of the law, it has been very calm for many years. Just now, I felt the waves on the sea, which is absolutely impossible in the South China Sea. Things."

Gu began to see that this girl was still unwilling to speak, and she could not help but sigh: "There can be such a power, only the aura of the heavens and the earth, but all things that are aura of the aura are not IQ and human feelings. However, the strength is strong. If he let the South China Sea inundate the Tenjin House, or come to the Tenjin House to do evil, everyone else can escape, you have no strength, how to escape? Is it difficult for people in my government to protect you?"

He has never been a good person since he started, and he is not a relative of the family. The girl still refuses to go, and eats so much food from the government house. He has a sick person to protect her.

Heaven and earth aura?

The girl's eyelids moved a little, and there was no movement.

It is like a scandal.

Gu began to be annoyed: "You don't think I'm threatening you, I just heard a dragon scream, it must be the dragon that was enchanted by the aura of the day."

Above the South China Sea, there are countless arrays.

Those formations are not just within the island.

The formation of the South China Sea is equivalent to the eyes and ears of the gods. Therefore, Gu Shifang, who is the head of the government, knows these news so quickly.

The creatures born in the heavens and the earth will surely cause the gods to be shocked. The group of people who are not afraid of death want to compete for each other. In order not to cause fighting, the Gu Shi should not say these things.

But he wants to send this girl away, thinking for ten years, as long as there is a chance to send her away, anything will do.

The woman jerked her head up.

What kind of eyes is that?

Obviously ugly, her eyes are unusually bright and brighter than the stars.

But soon, she was quiet again, and continued to say nothing, like a dumb.

"Forget it," Gu continued to feel helpless and sighed. "You think about it yourself, do you want to go? If you are afraid that someone hurts you outside, I have a different hospital in other places, I can arrange you. Lived in the past, and sent people to protect you, find someone to cure you, oh, yes, I know a little girl, she will do some spiritual medicine, maybe help you -"

The former government owner has no evil, and the girl who is locked up by him is definitely not a bad person.

He really pity her and wants to help her.

Can't let her stay in jail, otherwise his life will be ruined.

It is even more impossible to stay in the government office -

What if he misunderstood something, how can he be worthy of his dead wife?

As for why Gu began not to slap her strength for the wind...

Oh, what can be hidden?

On the mainland, Tianshen House, Lingshen Gate, and Shen Yao Zong each occupy one side.

He is also the owner of the Tenjin House.

If there is protection from the Tenjin House, who would dare to play the idea of ​​the little girl?

This is strength!

Once you have the supreme strength, you don't have to hide it, no one can stop it!

(End of this chapter)

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