The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 853: Another encounter with Tan Shuangshuang (2)

Chapter 853 meets Tan Shuangshuang again (2)

Isolated from the world, there are countless arrays of methods to hide, no one can reach this place.

Just because countless people can't find the way to the Tenjin House, many people are speculating that the Tenjin House may have created a space, and the people of the Tenjin House are within this space.

I can't see it is true, but it is only because of the formation of the law. After all, the founder of the Tianshen House did not have the ability to create space.

But the movement above the sea, the strong people in the Tenjin House can still feel it.

Inside the government.

Gu Shi suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes surrendered to the sky not far away, and a flash of light flashed in his eyes.

It is not manpower that can cause such great movements. Spiritual beasts are not the possibility.

Only the kind that comes from the aura of heaven and earth, born with the power to control the power of the heavens and the earth, can only be done.

Gu began to stand up from the futon. He stroked his sleeves and walked out of the cultivation room.

On the back of the mountain, it is the forbidden place of the government.

This is the secret that Gu began to know after he had killed the former government.

It is only after the success of the government that they are eligible to go to the back hill of the government.

In the prison on the back of the mountain, there was a darkness, and a woman with no face was sitting in the dark corner.

The darkness is shrouded in the ugly face, even if it is prepared every time, it will be shocked.

how to say.

He has never seen a person, can be so ugly to such a degree, soaring and screaming.

I still remember that when he killed his predecessor, he first saw this woman in prison.

She was ragged, with a sloppy hair covering the ugly face, and her hands were nailed to the wall like dying, but she never died.

Gu began killing many people in these years.

When his wife was killed, he even killed the man's door, and never let go.

His hands have already been contaminated with blood.

However, he has never tortured anyone, even if it is an enemy, it only gives people a pain.

He didn't know what the girl had done wrong, was treated like this, and couldn't bear it. He planned to let her go and return her free body.

But this girl... always refuses to go, as if this jail is a home, one step is not willing to leave.

"Girl," Gu began helplessly and sighed. "How long do you have to stay in my main government? I don't know what the former government owner hated with you. He wants to be so to you, now you are really free. When are you going?"

It stands to reason that Gu has been the head of the government for ten years.

In ten years, this woman was in jail. She had festered in her body and refused to seek medical treatment. As a result...

In addition to the face, the scars in her other places have recovered.

This woman is not simple.

Recently, the Tenjin House is not quite flat, he really does not want to leave her in this place.

The woman did not speak.

Ten years, such as one day, Gu began to hear that she had said a word.

She is like a dumb, her eyes are dull, she doesn't know if she really can't talk, or I don't think they are worthy of her mouth.

"Girl, I beg you, when are you willing to leave? Otherwise, if you are found to be hiding behind me, I thought you were so disabled."

Gu began to cry.

Heaven and earth conscience.

(End of this chapter)

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