The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 858: First encounter with Mu Qing (2)

Chapter 858, the first encounter with the Qing Dynasty (2)

Tan Shuangshuang’s face was pale.

All her thoughts are dominated by hate.

I have forgotten it at all. As long as I go to the Yunguo country to find out, these things will be clear.

This time, Tan Shuangshuang was the first to regret, regretting standing up and picking the wind.

Seeing that Tan Shuangshuang did not speak, the wind was even more stunned: "I heard that Mu Xi has always been lascivious, Tan girl is so beautiful, he has this idea is normal, I just did not expect that Mu and his son will have this Quirk, Tan girl, congratulations on your wish to serve a woman, especially a father and son."

"You..." Tan's face changed dramatically.

The words have not been said yet, and they have been interrupted by the wind.

"Tan girl does not have to be embarrassed, this is already a well-known thing. Mu Xi brought a green hat to her old man, I don't know about it... How many people know?"

Tan Shuangshuang’s eyes were panicked.

Especially when I saw the crowds in the eyes of the crowd, the heart was even more panicked.

If the people of the world know that Muling’s woman is not unclean, Muling is so good, she will definitely kill her.

Not to mention, the wind is deliberately deliberately misunderstood?

Yes, she is waiting for Liu Fuyong, but Liu Yuxi has never touched her.

She has failed several times of seduce.

Do not mention Mu Xi, she is completely embarrassed about this matter, the wind is deliberately framed him!

"I do not……"

Tan Shuangshuang just wanted to defend himself, but there was a cold voice coming from behind.

"Tan Shuangshuang, do you think you are not enough to lose face? Go back to Mujia!"

This voice is not unfamiliar to Tan Shuangshuang, nor is it familiar, but her heart is more and more panicked, she turns her head and looks at the man who is slowly coming from the side.

The man is pure and white, and his white face is unparalleled, and the pathological white can't cover the noble.

"Little uncle... I don't have..."

Tan double eyes with tears in his eyes, shaking his head, his voice wronged.

She did not seduce Mu Xi, really did not!

In the event of a misunderstanding, will she still behave herself in the future?

"I don't know if you have it, but you have already said that you are not qualified to call me like Ms. Mu Jia Shao." The man looks pale and expressionless.

Tan doubled and bite the lip: "Two young masters, she is jealous of me, I really don't."

"Some things, you are clear in your own heart, do not have to explain to me, the reputation of the ruined family is only related to my brother, what is the relationship with me?" Mu Qingxiao smiled.

He never said to declare this, presumably the father and the donkey would not care too much.

What the family wants is strength, not a reputation.

The only thing that cares about fame is his brother...

Tan Shuangshuang’s body, Microsoft, has a deep gaze.

He didn't believe her, he didn't believe her!

The wind is like a dump, all this is the wind!

Tan Shuangshuang trembled, but he was not talking too much. He turned and left here.

Mu Qingying stared at the figure that Tan doubles left, and sneered at the corner of his lips.

Admired two young masters?

The fingers of the wind stroking the chin.

She deliberately wanted to misunderstand and ruin the reputation of Muling's father and son.

This is the unclear answer of the second master of the family, but it is the application of her.

Why... This second master of the family also wants to ruin Muling?

Mu Qingyi was about to leave, his eyes glimpsed the wind like a bracelet on his wrist, his eyes suddenly condensed, and he quickly stepped forward, and he wanted to hold the wind like a wrist.

(End of this chapter)

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