The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 861: First encounter with Mu Qing (5)

Chapter 861, the first encounter with the Qing Dynasty (5)

This is obviously she thought more.

Twin sisters, shouldn't they look very similar?

There is no similarity between the wind and the Qin.

So... Qin Hao just likes her, they will not be loved ones.

There are no relatives outside the Tenjin House, and his relatives are only Qin family.

"What is the character of the girl? She used to marry someone?"

"Yes," Tan Shuangshuang sneered. "She has had a husband, called Liu Yuxi, and Liu Yuxi is always entangled with me. I obviously don't like him. The wind is like this, but I blame it for me. I will not hesitate to dismiss my official position. I also beat my two hundred sticks."

That was the biggest shame in her life.

She can never forget!

Whether it is the wind or the lotus, she only hates in her heart!

Qin Yuer’s heart jumped.

The wind is really married!

She doesn't care whether Tan Shuangshuang said that she is a real wife, but she has been the wife of others.

A woman, if the most basic one will not be in the end, then what capital does she have to marry into the Qin family?

Qin Xiaoer bit her lip and her face turned white. She didn't know how to go back and tell her the cruel facts.

You should be very sad.

Being cheated by a woman to this extent.

"More than that, you can go to Liuyun to inquire about it. You can know that since she left Liu Yuxi, she has taken the national teacher and the beautiful men will be robbed into the princess."

Qin Xiaoer’s face was even more ugly, and he did not want to show it in front of Tan’s double-sided, but also raised a smile.

"Thank you for your double lady's advice and leave."

She turned and walked in the direction of the Qin family.

When she turned around, the smile on her face disappeared, replaced by anger and pain.

Her angry wind is like deceiving Qin Qin, and hurting her most loved brother, being cheated by a woman...

"I was already prepared, and I was willing to give her care to her. Our Qin family would not care about the identity of the people who are deaf."

Qin Yuer took a deep breath and looked firm.

The position of the deaf children in the Qin family is quite special. The parents can't let him marry the daughter of the powerful family. Although the wind is like a demeanor, the identity is too bad, just matching the Qin.

Therefore, the father will not refuse.

But... if she married someone, there would be no way.

This is detrimental to the reputation of the Qin family, and the father will never allow it!

"Liu Xia, you said... she doesn't look like that kind of slutty person, why even the three women who should abide by the woman do not understand?" Qin Xiaoer said with a wry smile, "The woman should be the most basic from the end, That is, when the husband died, he had to be widowed for a lifetime. Even if she was really abandoned, she should stay on her body. Why should she hook up with others?"

If she is replaced by another man, she will not talk much, but she is her brother.

She couldn't let her nephew go to a woman who was so debauched...

Liu Xia dismissed: "Miss, some people look at their own beauty, they think that the world will like her, but fortunately she has not seen the South String son, otherwise, maybe her goal will be from the young Qin Qin Transfer on the body."

Qin Xiaoer smiled and shook his head. "No, Nanxian is not that kind of person. I heard that countless women want to marry him. Even if they are beautiful, he will not care, let alone Nanxian is a filial People, the family is not open, he will not be confused by the beauty."

Nanxian is different from men in the world.

If the wind is beautiful, he can't be confused. Otherwise, she won't like the South String.

(End of this chapter)

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