The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 897: Hairong’s plan (3)

Chapter 897 Hairong's plan (3)

In front of anyone, Mu Huan is so high in appearance.

Only in the face of Hairong, she will be like a student in the class hall, her face is well-behaved and her voice is crisp.

Hairong does not like to live in the Mujia compound, so he has always lived in the inn, unless he diagnoses the father, he will go to the Mujia.

"Happiness," Hairong slowly turned around, kindly and kindly, and the temperature was gentle. "The gimmick that made me owe the human heart, is really your distant cousin? Why doesn't she come back to see her father? I listen to you. Niang said, you have been taking care of her, so you will appear with her in Tianyun Mountain that day, and so, the birthday of the old man, she really should not come back!"

Mu Huan’s eyes looked a little hesitant.

Why did Master suddenly ask the woman?

Moreover, Master has always praised Su Yi, why is it blaming this time?

Mu Huan always felt that something was wrong, and he could not hear any problems from Hairong’s tone.

It seems that it is really a fight for the father.

"Well," Mu Huan licked her lips. "She is my cousin. As for why she didn't come back, I don't know. Maybe for her, isn't that important?"

Hairong’s heart sank a little bit.

He has never heard anything about Suyi from the mouth of Mu Huan, everything is Chen Lizhen and Mu Ling said.

Therefore, he only wants to know this time, Mu Hua will not tell him the truth.

The final result is still disappointing him...

"Happiness, I also heard that Muling used to have a wife called Suyi?" Hairong brows and wrinkles. "Why have I never seen her in Mujia?"

Mu Huan’s heart raised her vigilance, and her uneasiness became more and more intense.

According to the past, she will definitely smear the plain clothes and let Master hate the woman.

But that kind of uneasiness, after all, did not let her say these words, just vague: "I don't know too well. When she left, I was not born yet."

Hairong’s heart has some doubts.

Mu Huan has not seen the plain clothes?

Is that representative, the far-off cousin, Muling and Chen Guangqi deceive not only him, but even Mu Huan also deceived together? I am afraid that Mu Huan will accidentally say a leak?

Even if the heart is questioning, Hairong is still a little cold for the apprentice of Mu Huan.

After all, this apprentice used deception to get him in. He could not bear her, just for the companionship of these years.

However, Hairong still did not directly ask everything, and his old face brought a smile: "I just listened to Mu Ling mentioned the plain clothes, slightly curious, joy, you did not see her," By the way, since I didn’t get it this time, I’m going to attend the birthday of my father, do you know what the old man likes?”

Mu Huan’s heart is shaking.

I once said that the old man will come back this time, so he will never let Master leave.

This time she came to see Hairong, and her father gave her a task. I must persuade Master to leave Tianshen House and never let him meet with Suyi.

In fact, Mu Huan always felt that even if Master knew this, it would not be possible to abandon her, but the grandfather’s birthday is just around the corner, and even if there are not many people in the past, it will not be too small.

At this time, we must not make such a scandal.

In case everyone else knows, all the reputations of Mujia will be destroyed!

"Master," Mu Huan's smile, she took Hairong's arm. "Are you not able to put down the elixir of Houshan? How can I trouble Master?" What about Master's name? I know that I am even more afraid of those who come to congratulate my grandfather. I will wrap you up with Master. Master, you always know that I worship you as a teacher, but I admire Master. I never thought about taking your Master’s reputation. I will not allow such things to happen if I develop a family."

(End of this chapter)

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