The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 913: I promised this marriage (5)

Chapter 913, I agreed to this marriage (5)

Mu Ling’s gaze turned to the wind and the eyes were angry.

This woman made his son so rebellious against him, and did not know what means to make Suyi believe in her, now she dares to come to admire!

Suyi smiled lightly: "Pang is my daughter-in-law, why can't she come?"

This sentence, like a heavy weight, instantly awakened the people present.

They were still curious about the identity of this girl. I didn't expect to be a woman of the South String?

Not free, some people's eyes turned to Gu Yiyi.

No matter who is the son-in-law of Gu Shi, the Nanxian string was once the fiance of Gu Yiyi! Gu Yiyi and even the familiar Qin Qin children are ridiculed, let alone other women?

Of course, among these people, there are also people who have participated in Gu’s birthday.

Now that they know the relationship between the wind and the South String, their expressions are more and more weird.


The old man was shocked first, and soon he came back. He stepped fast and quickly walked down from the banquet table and hurried to the side of Suyi.

"They didn't lie to me. You really came back today. If you don't come back, I will be bullied and killed by these people."

Suyi’s heart was sour, and the old man was really good to her, but in the past, she did not say goodbye.

Over the years, I have never seen him back.

"Homeowner," Mu Yan stood up and looked cold. "The young lady obviously does not recognize us as a family, so she left home. Why do you love her cold **** every time? Why?"

"The second is true, the owner, we are not the place where some people want to come, and want to go!"

"Homeowner, it is enough to have a scorn, and it is not rare for her to exist! But the Nanxian son is the blood of our family, not allowed to sway outside, he must come back!"

"Right, what is the identity of this little girl? If the identity is OK, staying for the Nanxian son to be a shackle, the person who is not qualified, does not qualify for the family."

"Nan Suyi was a lonely orphaned child. It is reasonable to say that you should not get started. You agree with the owner, and we have nothing to say. It can be seen that a person without a tutor is still a well-educated person. There is a big difference. Let's take a look at the frivolous lady. The management of Mu's family is well organized. Nan Suyi is like a crazy girl. If you don't say anything, you want to leave."

"Which name is the best, can you do something like her? We didn't let her give the younger master even if she could afford her, she dared to give this to the younger ones for this!"

These ethnic groups of Mujia are all uncles and uncles of the Mu family. They can admit to their own rules. In addition to the direct blood, other people must respect the title of the family.

Therefore, even if these sideline people have a **** relationship, they must also call the father of the family.

These people, once you say a word, will show off the disdain and dissatisfaction of Suyi. It seems that the existence of Suyi is a shame for Mujia.

The only useful place for her is to have a talented Nanxian for Mu Jia.

Regardless of what these people said, the Suyi people did not refute one sentence, but it was like listening to criticism quietly.

Ms. Mu’s father wanted to get angry several times, and he was stopped by Suyi’s eyes.

It wasn't until the group of people's mouths were dry and dry that they couldn't let the other person open a mouth, and they couldn't help but stop.

(End of this chapter)

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