The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 945: I want to stay in Mujia (1)

Chapter 945, I want to stay in Mujia (1)

"No, I am different..."


The last word has not yet fallen, and the old man’s chest has been hit hard, and he slammed out and landed on the banquet table.

He glanced at the head and fainted directly.

Everyone in the family couldn’t help but take a sigh of relief, and turned away, and fell on the white clothes that were like a fairy.

You are a god-like person, often hitting people, really?

The South Strings will be collected back, the face is cold, and the sleeves are windy.

"Peace, you continue."

The implication is that you can continue to speak, but anyone who denies your opinion will be handed over to me.

The wind is like a smile: "What opinions do you have for us to stay in Mujia? You can say it, you can rest assured that I am a reasonable person and will never make things that will not let you tell the truth."

The people of the Mujia family stepped back a few steps subconsciously, revealing a charming smile.

"No, absolutely nothing!"

"Right right, you are coming back, we are welcome, we are too late, how can we have opinions for you?"

"That, the wind girl... Can you let the Nanxiong son put the sword down first? I panic in my heart."

The wind is even more like a smile: "Remember, this is what you invited us to live in, but I don't want you to tell the truth."

"The wind girl you think too much, we just have the truth, from the heart of the words, oh, can you let Nanxian Gongzi step back? Don't go any further, I am really scared..."

The wind is like a pair of eyes: "But I am a natural courage, I am afraid that others will come to me, and I can't admit any swear words in my ear. If I hear someone say three behind my back. four……"

"You can do it with the wind girl!"

If it is before this, these people of Mujia will not put the wind on their hearts.


There are too many backgrounds in the wind, so much that they have raised their fear in their hearts.

Even the strength of the South Strings made them feel confused from the heart.

Therefore, at first, those who were above the top of the Mu family, all of them could not wait to kneel on the ground, and the wrinkles on the mosquitoes could be a charming smile.

"Well," the wind smirked, "Suyi, then we will live directly in the Mujia."

Su Yi brows scorn.

It stands to reason that with a small personality, it is impossible to want to come to such a troublesome place.

But why... she wants to live in Mujia?

Turbulent, Su Yi's heart jumped, hurriedly turned his head, his eyes fell on the mouthful of the old man.

It’s hard to be... because of the condition of the old man?

She needs to come to the house to observe?

The eyelids of Suyi are slightly sinking. If this is the case, is the illness of the father and the family related?

Muling is impossible to harm the father. Even if he is selfish and stupid, but the father is his father, he can't do anything that deliberately harms the father.

So there is only one person... Chen Lijun!

If the father’s illness is really related to Chen’s illness, then Chen’s person is terrible...

"Wind girl."

Qin Yuer took a glass of wine and walked slowly to the front of the wind. The soft face was smiling: "I saw you and your nephew very close, thinking that... the relationship between you has misunderstood you. Now I am apologizing to the girl, and I hope the girl will forgive me."

Her eyes are ashamed and sincere, her eyes are shining with bright brilliance.

(End of this chapter)

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