The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 949: I want to stay in Mujia (5)

Chapter 949 I want to stay in Mujia (5)

So disrespectful, not afraid that Mu Ling will expel her from the house?

"National Master," Tan Shuangshuang smiled and said, "It’s really a coincidence. The big son of this family is also called Nanxian. I just want to know if the National Teacher is the South String of Mujia. Son?"

The eyes of Nanxian cooled down.

What he likes the most is that someone calls him a friend!

"Little girl, Nanxian," Mu Qingqing Qing Sweeped over Tan Shuangshuang, and then looked at the wind and the South String, only with a light smile. "We don't have to pay attention to her, continue to go." ”

"Okay, two uncles."

Second uncle?

Tan Shuangshuang’s face changed slightly.

Although the wind is like a slogan, it calls Muling’s name, but it’s called Mu Qing’s second uncle. Does it prove that the national teacher is really a Mu Nan string?

At this moment, the wind has gone with Mu Qing, leaving only Tan Shuangshuang standing alone in the wind.

Her face was ugly, staring at the wind and the back.

In the Liuyun country, the wind is like a princess who is high above her. She is forced by her and she is forced to let her go everywhere.

Now it’s hard to get to the Tenjin House. Why should she be crushed by her?

She is a woman of Muling, but she can get caught up in the wind...

"No," Tan Shuangshuang shook his head. "The wind has been married to Liu Yuxi, and Muling will not let the wind become a lady. Even if she comes to the family, she can only be ashamed."

Although Tan Shuangshuang has not officially passed the door, she has long regarded herself as a servant of Muling.

Only when the child in the stomach is born can the mother be dependent on her. If her child is good enough, she will replace Chen Chenyu.

What is the wind like?

She is also a servant, she is destined to weaken her generation!

Moreover, even if she is a sly, she is also the mother of Nanxian, and the child in her stomach is also the son of Mujia.

In other words, she can become a mother-in-law!

At that time, she wants her to go east, she must go east, she wants her to hand over the tea, the wind can not refuse!

After thinking about this, Tan Shuangshuang’s mood was better, and the lips could not help but raise a smile.

Muling’s goodness to Chen’s sorrow made Tan Shuangshuang forget the difference between Xunzi and Xunzi.

She always thought that there is no difference between Xiao Yan and Shao Shao in this admiration, and there is no difference between the nephew and the nephew.

But she forgot, Muling only had a good time for Chen Lijun, and she was a small sister. Her method was not as good as Chen Xiaoyu, and even the bones that were destined to be eaten by others were not left!


Partial hospital.

Peach blossoms are flourishing.

The wind stopped as if it had stopped, and the brow was lightly wrinkled: "This is where you and your father live?"

Mu Qingyi nodded slightly: "When the nephew left, I didn't want to live in the main courtyard. I moved here alone. Some time ago, the old man moved to my hospital and refused to leave."

"Your body is not very good, the father is even worse. It is not suitable for you to live here. Please clean up and move."

As soon as she was stunned, she looked at the wind with a heavy face and looked amazed.


"It's too ridiculous and shady, not suitable for sickness, let's go, take me to the place where my father lived."

"it is good."

Mu Qingyi returned to the gods and continued to walk forward with the wind.

The main courtyard is much brighter and brighter than the partial courtyard.

The wind just walked into the courtyard, her face suddenly sinking, and the whole face seemed to be covered with storms.

(End of this chapter)

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