The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 950: Undead flower (1)

Chapter 950 Undead Flowers (1)

"Little girl?" Mu Qingzhen did not understand what happened, and asked doubtfully, "What is it? What is wrong with this yard?"

When the wind did not answer the words of Mu Qingxi, he suddenly stepped forward and broke the flowers in the flowerbed.

"Who are these flowers heavy?"

Mu Qingying’s face is heavy: “Chen is light.”

Chen Lijun?

The wind is like a cold smile: "Two uncles, start tomorrow, give me all these words, one is not allowed to stay, even the roots are all domineering, go to a place where no one is burning!"

Mu Qing’s reaction to the wind was too intense, and suddenly there was a possibility in the bottom of his heart: “Little girl, these flowers have problems? At the beginning, the masters of Qiankun and Hairong had come, they did not recognize this. What kind of flower is the species, Qiankun also pulled out a strain to study, but the results of the study, this is just an ordinary elixir."

The wind is like a cold look.

The medicines of these elixir should have disappeared in the same year!

At the beginning, the countries of the mainland were not as weak as they are today, and they dominated the entire continent as a place called the Yunchuan Empire.

The flower species is what the emperors of the Yunchuan Empire brought in.

As a result, it almost caused a disaster.

The emperor was afraid that he would be stinking for a long time after his death. After burning all the flowers, he erased it from the history books. The official responsible for the history book, even for the sake of insurance, even the image name of the flower species. All the effects of the medicine have been erased.

Whether future generations will get the flowers again, and whether it will cause disaster, it has nothing to do with them, they only guarantee that the image of the emperor will not be destroyed.

As for why the wind knows clearly,...

Because Fu Chen gave it to her book!

The medicinal medicinal sect of that year was the only force that was comparable to the Yunchuan empire.

Therefore, no one else dares to mention the things of flowers, for fear that the emperor will be angry.

But the **** medicine daring dare!

Others dare not leave this pen on the family tree, God medicine Zong dare!

Just after seeing the flower, the wind has already recognized the name of the flower.

Undead flowers!

The seeds of flowers need to be in the mass graves, absorb the breath of countless people after death, and bloom after countless years.

And, once it blooms, it will not die.

The only thing that the undead flower is afraid of is fire!

"There are these trees, and they will all be cut tomorrow. You have not moved in and lived in the near future. After the atmosphere here is gone, move in again."

Nanxian’s hand caught the wind and the waist: “There are problems with these things?”

"These trees, called Qiantenglan, can cause drowsiness, unconsciousness, faintness when they wake up, and all memories will degenerate into the past, as if someone had taken blood lotus Ganoderma lucidum before. A young child, until the brain died, and unfortunately, Master Qiankun showed me the elixir that the father took, which is **** lotus.

"But this process is very long. The stronger the strength, the stronger the resistance. Even if the brain degenerates more and more, it will be resisted by the spiritual power, so the father can live for so many years."

Mu Qing’s face was blue, and he held his fist tightly, breathing quickly, with anger and murder in his eyes.

Chen Lijun!

She wants to murder the father!

"So, there is the undead flower, how long have these undead flowers picked up?" The wind continued to ask.

What did Ms. Qing suddenly think of, suddenly looked up and looked at the wind: "Yes, it was before the strength of the father fell back, Chen Lijun came back from the outside, these flowers are extremely beautiful and beautiful, and they are elixir, saying It is the aura of these elixir that can appease the emotions of the Father, leaving the undead flowers."

(End of this chapter)

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