The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 951: Undead flower (2)

Chapter 951 Undead Flowers (2)

The wind is like a sloping finger, and an undead flower is smashed: "The undead flower **** away the aura of the old man Dan Tian, ​​causing his strength to regress."

Mu Qingyu was silent for a while, and then asked: "Why are we all right?"

"Because the undead flower is sleeping in the daytime, it will wake up at night. So, did Chen Lizhen say that no one is allowed to disturb the father at night?"

Mu Qing’s face is getting more and more ugly: “She said that the father’s health is not good. No one is allowed to come to the father at night, and he will send someone to guard the father’s yard.”

"Under the soul, after absorbing the aura, it also needs time to digest, and these flowers are at the door of the father. The natural absorption of them is the aura of the old man, so..." The wind sneered, "You can be safe and sound, they eat After the aura of the old man is saturated, he can't eat naturally."

It's like eating more people need to digest, and so are these flowers.

Mu Qing’s forehead and blue-eyed violent jump: “Her mother killed my mother, she wants to kill the old man! No wonder the old man’s body became more and more uncomfortable some time ago, and Chen’s body will always stimulate him. He couldn't stand it and ran to my yard."

"The ridiculous thing is that after I got to my yard, his body was much better. We didn't think much about it at the time. I thought that Chen was not there, and no one was stimulating him, so that his body would gradually recover! ”

Even more ridiculous is his brother.

Until now, I thought that Chen Xiaozhen was a white rabbit with no harm to her own animals. She held her on the palm of her hand and could not bear to fall.

Suyi is so good to him, but he has abandoned her ruthlessly!

The wind is like a cold eyebrow: "But whether it is a thousand vines or an undead flower, it should not exist."

When the undead flower first existed, it almost destroyed an empire, showing how horrible the undead flower was.

Qiankun and Hairong don't know the undead flowers. Of course, I don't know. The reason why this undead flower makes them feel abundance is because they absorb too much aura from the old man and cover up the original dead air.

"Xiao Dang, Master Qiankun pulled out a dead flower at that time, will it..."

"How did he take it at the time?"

"Installed in the pillbox."

"The estimate is no problem," the wind shook his head. "The undead flower is only planted in the soil. It is alive. Besides, there should be nothing in Qiankun. Otherwise, he will be able to detect the undead flowers." Where."

If Qiankun’s strength does not go backwards, it proves that he is simply studying the undead flowers and not planting the flowers in the soil.

Fortunately, Qiankun is not a girl...

This undead flower is so beautiful, like a rose, and as bright as blood, countless women can not stand the temptation of it, can not help but pick flowers in the garden.

Mu Qingying quietly breathed a sigh of relief, and he did not want anyone to be hurt for the illness of the father.

As soon as he thought of Chen’s behavior, Mu Qing’s eyes were colder, with a touch of coldness in his eyes.

"This thing, I have to let the big brother know!"

The wind sighed and said: "Let him know, but I can tell you, even if you talk to him, he will not believe it."

Mu Qingyan's face is heavy: "I can let him into the night, and when he regresses, he naturally knows everything."

(End of this chapter)

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