The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 952: Undead flower (3)

Chapter 952 Undead Flowers (3)

"Then I can still tell you that Chen Lizhen can say that she is completely ignorant. It is because this flower is glamorous and elixir. She is also deceived, and she does it all for the father, you Do you think that Mu Lingxin is still Chen Lijun?"

No need to ask, Mu Qingying understands that Mu Lingxin is always Chen Lijun.

The wind has stepped toward Mu Qingqing: "Two uncles, in fact, many things, do not need to pay any evidence with them, Mu Lingxin and unbelief, what do we do with us? I am not happy, just take them out. I am really angry. I have a small fight every day and a big fight in ten days. Even if they escape from the family, I can chase them and bring them back to fight."


Are you a devil?

Mu Qing’s face was smoked a few times. The daughter of Nanxian was really embarrassed and embarrassed by anyone else.

Only in this way can Muling and Chen Lijun suffer!

"Uncle, I am a man who has been wronged since I was a child. Whoever made me wronged, no matter who the other person is, I will fight back." The wind is like a smile. "You don't have to grieve yourself. What do you say to those people?" ?"

Mu Qingyan shook his head: "At Mujia, Muling and Chen Guangqi are all gracious to me, I just can't understand Chen Deyi's behavior against Da Yu, so I have been fighting with her, now... ..."

He paused and the killing appeared in the clearing.

"She killed her father! I will not let her go!"

The wind is like a chuckle: "You are killing Chen Lijun now, then? Let Muling feel her heart, remember her for a lifetime? Instead, hate your life??"

Mu Qing looked up strangely.

He and this girl only know each other very quickly, but he always feels that this girl is revengeful, not the kind of person who will be soft.

The wind is like a smile: "Muling wants to harm me, but also bully my family's clothing and Nanxian. I and his enemies are not so clear. What I want is not that he remembers Chen Lizhen for a lifetime, nor is he. Painless death! He must bear all the guilty pains, and even live a miserable life!"

"And, I said, neither Qian Tenglan nor the undead flowers are the things that this continent should have. There must be someone behind Chen Guangxuan. Someone gave her these things, and then did not take out the person. Chen Guangyu can't die!"

"Uncle, after I have pulled the man out, you can handle it at will!"

At this moment, the wind is like the words of Mrs. Luo and what she said.

The old friend of Mrs. Luo’s old lady was forced to go to another place, one where there is no return!

If she guessed that there is nothing wrong with it, whether it is the undead flower or the thousand vines, it is the thing that comes out of that place, so she must pick out the person behind Chen Guangyu!

"Good." Mu Qingyu took a deep breath and suppressed the murderousness of his heart.

"I will talk to Suyi on this matter. You will send someone to solve all these things tomorrow. You can't stay any longer. Fortunately, no one has been there in the middle of the night. Otherwise, the aura of those people will be absorbed."

The wind seems to think of something, said: "Right, I lived in a place where there is a maid, called Xiaoya, two uncle, you will send someone to help me pick up Xiaoya tomorrow."

"Don't worry, I will arrange your people for you."

"It's not early, these undead have been hungry for quite a few times, and later they have to wake up. If they don't go, the aura of the body will become a food in their belly."

(End of this chapter)

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