The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 956: Authentic Muling (2)

Chapter 956, Mulling (2)

I am so embarrassed, too!

Of course, if he dares to say this, Nanxian will definitely start.

"He is filthy in my heart."

Muling’s face was white.

He really doubts that the wind is swaying, but how can this woman know what he is thinking?

Is it that his eyes have revealed his meaning?

The next time he is in front of the wind, he must pay more attention to it, and he can no longer let this woman have the opportunity to shoot him.

"South String," Mu Ling did not pay attention to the wind, and continued to look at the South String. "Do you believe this?"

Nanxian faint said: "I believe, I believe that she said."


"Not to mention, you do not respect her." The expression of the South String is cloudless.

The face of Muling froze.

He is the elder, is the elder, let him respect the wind?

Is this the opposite?

At this time, looking at the maintenance of the South String on the wind, he finally realized his feelings of maintaining his own contempt.

Can the wind be like a heart and soul, how can it compare with his contempt?

To the extent that the South Strings are at this level, it is not her mother, even for her, treat her own biological father like this!

"We are talking about things, Nanxian, these elixir are really painstaking and painstaking, transplanted back for the sake of the father's illness, are you doing too much?"

Somehow, this last sentence contains Mullin’s grievances and grievances. He wants to be angry and dare not violate the South String.

Yes, he doesn't dare!

No one is not willing to die, Muling is also afraid of death, he is even more afraid of death in the hands of the South String!

At that time, Nanxian bears the crime of the uncle, and he... is killed by his son, and he will be extremely embarrassed!

This face can't really afford to lose!

"Pour the child," Mu Qingying looked at the wind, "I still tell him everything, even if he doesn't believe it, I don't want you to bear a provocative charge."

Even if there is no need for anyone to provoke between Suyi and Muling, it will be like a fire.

But he is not willing to be in the eyes of Mu Ling in order to maintain Chen contempt, so filthy.

"Oh," Muling sneered twice. He said to Mu Qingying that he did not face the wind and the forbearance of the wind. He said in the ironic tone, "Second brother, you see the most clearly in the family, she How do you know about the old man? You should not want to tell me, scornfully want to murder the father? I tell you, I will never believe it!"

Mu Qingyu knew this answer early, and he looked calm and waveless.

With the character of Muling, sooner or later, he will die in the hands of Nanxian and Pei...

The wind is so cold that it is cold: "I don't know if your uncle's body is bad. You blame him so much, and let him out of three lengths and two shorts. Without us, the old man will kill you."


Before the wind and the South String did not come back, he was the boss of the family. No one dared to violate him. Apart from the fact that the old man occasionally vented his nerves, he could not take him.

Since the two men came to admire, his status has changed.

Usually he can always reprimand him, now he even said that he must quit this **** woman!

Don't forget, he is the young master of the family, now the ruler!

In the morning and evening, he wants this woman to kneel on the ground and beg for mercy!

After a few words in my heart, Muling’s heart was better, and his eyes turned to the wind.

"What do you want to say to me?"

(End of this chapter)

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