The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 959: Authentic Muling (5)

Chapter 959, Mulling (5)

But no matter what, for others, he still has some confidence.

Just because he is a high-ranking person of Tianwu!

But now, he obviously feels that his strength has been taken away...

From the high order of Tianwu, to the middle class of Tianwu! Then go to the lower level of Tianwu!

A level of leaps takes a lot of effort and requires countless elixir cultivation.

But return to the previous step, just one moment!

Fortunately, the flower was just removed a lot, Muling just stepped back two levels, if not, I am afraid he will directly fall back to the Xuanwu.

After the undead flower was full and full, he never absorbed his aura.

Muling's body was soft and fell to the ground. His forehead was sweating coldly, and his eyes were full of panic.

"How can this be the case, why is this..."

Is the strength of my father really plagued by these flowers?

Suddenly, Mu Ling recovered and quickly climbed up from the ground and hurriedly looked at the people who fled to the outside of the hospital.

"You are going to get rid of these flowers, fast! They are not awake, they are immediately eradicated!"

His voice was frightened and panicked, and it was obvious that the previous incident had caused him to be shocked.

Chen flicked his lips and his eyes were desperate.

When it’s over, these undead flowers can’t be saved...

It’s strange that the wind is like a slut. If it weren’t for her, it wouldn’t happen.

It’s all her fault!

Chen Guangyu hung down his eyes, deep in the eyes, and it was a color of grievance.

When she was carrying, all the resentment disappeared, tears and pity.

"Ling Ge..."

She reached out and tried to grab Muling's hand.

But Mu Ling, but escaped her hand.

Her body trembled, and the light looked at the angry eyes of the man, and her heart panicked: "Ling Ge, you listen to me."

"Well, you give me an explanation, I am listening to an explanation now!"

These flowers are scorned from the outside.

It was also taken by her own hands.

But because of these flowers, the strength of the father of the child is retrogressing, and it is even more let him... the moment of falling down the low-order of the Tianwu!

The situation of Mujia is not good. Once his strength is set back, what is waiting for Mujia?

These are all brought by contempt!

Chen Liang's tears are like rain: "Ling Ge, I don't know, I really don't know, those trees are sent to me by others. It is said that I can bring back my mind, these flowers... I was passing by. In the mountains, I happened to be attracted by these flowers. I saw these flowers with a strong aura and thought that it would bring benefits to the human body. I asked the master in the mountain to sell it to me."

"The sentences I said are all true. Ling Ge, you have to believe me. I can't possibly want to murder my father, but I don't even think about hurting my family!"

She screamed and tried to defend herself, and her voice was dumb.

Muling did not speak.

If it is something else, no matter what Chen 嫣 嫣 did wrong, he will believe her, forgive her 1

But this time, even if it is unscrupulous, it has brought a heavy blow to the Mujia!

This blow is enough to destroy the Mu family!

Chen flicked and looked at the scorpion that Mu Ling had sunk. Her body stepped back a few steps. She suddenly laughed.

"I understand, Ling Ge, you are angry, because my stupid ignorance, so much damage to the family, you rest assured, I did the wrong thing, I will pay the price! I only want Ling Brother, you have to be happy with Xier, and both of them, like you, are my life."

(End of this chapter)

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