The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 962: Authentic Muling (eight)

Chapter 962, Mulling (8)

Su Yi smiled and licked his lips: "It seems that my words are useless. After all, it is a little lady who is a good friend, Xiao Qing, you can manage it."

The implication is that she is not a person who is admired, and naturally will not use her identity to force these people.

The old butler has already recovered from the initial anger, and his eyes blinked.

"What little lady? Father has never recognized her, a woman who is not fluent, heart-scarred, but also a good name to say less lady? You are the lady of our family, little lady, this thing does not need two young master shots I can be the master."

The old butler represents the father in the Mu family, and although the father is unclear, he has not abdicated, so the person who is now in power is still the father.

"You immediately drag this woman down. Otherwise, we don't need to keep a group of people who don't listen to the master's orders!" The old housekeeper sneered, ironically said, "The waiter is awkward, the status is also the most It’s better than the next person, but some people really regard themselves as the masters of the family. Those who teach them don’t even listen to the words of the master.”

There are always some Virgin Mary who feel that it is wrong to force people. However, these people take the salary of the Mujia, eat the meal of the Mujia, sleep in the house of the Mujia, but do not order from the owner. What is the use of such a person to keep?

For example, in China, you invited a babysitter and asked her to make a meal. She didn't want to go to clean the room. Wouldn't it be useful to use it?

Keeping the New Year?

Since you choose to take this salary, you must listen to the words of the master!

Mujia does not need to violate the command of the next person!

The faces of those people have changed. After all, they have taken the courage to walk to Chen’s side.

Chen Xiaoyan looked at the wind as if he was leaning, covering the coldness in the eyelids, and followed the group of people to go out...

Not a moment, outside the courtyard, there was a body of sound sticks falling on the flesh.

With the cry of the woman's heartbreaking lungs, Muling's heart is so full of blood and blood.

His fist was tightly held, and even his fingers broke into the palm of his hand, and the blood filled the nails and he did not feel.

Only the pain of the heart being torn, spread throughout his body, and his body trembled under the breeze.

Two hundred sticks are not too long, not too short.

At that time, Tan Shuangshuang could endure because of this. Chen’s strength is stronger than Tan’s, and she will not be in any danger.

However, the pain that the stick fell on her body still made her voice hoarse, and the whole Mu's family heard it clearly.

"The wind is like a dump!" Mu Huanhong's eyes are staring at the wind, and there is still a trace of blood in her mouth. The eyes are full of hatred and anger. "You are full of evil, savage and cruel, one day, someone will be there. Let you pay for the generation..."

The last word has not yet fallen, and a gust of wind is coming from the waves. Her body is like an arrow from the string. In an instant, she has already fallen out of the yard. She can no longer make a sound.

"Two uncles," the wind turned like a smile and turned to look at Mu Qingyu. "When you take her to the sputum, when I feel good, when I let her go."

She is clamoring for Chen.

She wants to know when Chen Liang can endure.

When she couldn't help it, the man behind her scene would come to the stage.

(End of this chapter)

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