The girl has waist-length silver hair and snow-white skin. Compared with the average height of the same age, she is slightly petite, so she gives people a younger impression.

Although he is petite and weighs very little, his body temperature seems to be a little higher than that of normal people. Although he has not sprayed perfume, his body exudes a faint sweet fragrance.

What she was wearing was the kind of clothes worn by church nuns. It looked like a one-piece dress that reached to her ankles, but the hat on her head was different from ordinary ones and was wrapped with a piece of cloth.

Ordinary monastic clothes should be black, but the monastic clothes worn by this girl are pure white. The material is as smooth as silk. There are golden embroideries in every corner of the monastic clothes, made of gold thread. It’s no exaggeration to describe it as a Western-style teacup.

Looking at the girl's face, Xia Qing roughly guessed who it was.

There is no doubt that it is the nun who has perfect memory ability and has memorized one hundred and three thousand little yellow ahem...magic books, which is called the Demonic Library.

It is a special physique. Index has the special physique of "complete memory ability". Whether she expects it or not, she will stuff everything in front of her into her mind.

Whether it is pedestrians on the road or how many leaves there are on the roadside trees, no matter how complex things are, as long as you see them once, you will remember them all and never forget them. You can also properly store the memories, but in the "automatic memory" mode The memory will be extremely blurry.

Through this, Index copies the original grimoires sealed around the world and keeps them in her mind. It is a grimoire library that copies and preserves the original grimoires.

However, due to the pressure from the "Royal Faction", the contents of the 13,000 magic books are biased. The spells related to Katina are not in her memory. In addition, Index has no knowledge of them. The technique of "God's Right Seat".

Not only can she keep it, but she can also extract necessary information from the grimoire and use it, so it has a higher value than the original book. Her wealth of magical knowledge and the ability to quickly come up with the most suitable countermeasures are her weapons.

Although the content of the book is a dangerous item that would make ordinary people go crazy just by looking at it, Index has a special physique, and her brain structure has the function of preventing the pollution of the "original book".

"Complete memory ability" is not magic, nor is it a superpower, it is simply a physical condition.

Suddenly, the girl's beautiful fingers trembled, and the head that was originally afraid of being on Xia Qing's chest slowly lifted up at this moment, and her silky silver hair naturally parted to both sides, just like opening a curtain. The girl's opened green eyes appeared in Xia Qing's eyes.


Her delicate doll-like cheeks were stained with a little blush at this moment. She was aware of her current situation and felt a little ashamed as a girl. However, there was a more serious situation at this moment that forced Index to speak to Xia Qing. road.


The girl's slightly dry cherry-colored thin lips slowly spoke out.

"I am hungry."


"I said...I'm hungry..."

Looking at Xia Qing who was still indifferent, the silver-haired girl seemed to be expressing her dissatisfaction.

"Get up before you ask for something to eat. Ignore the matter of using me as a meat pad for now, but is it possible that you want to lie on top of me for the rest of your life?"


The girl was speechless for a moment and obediently got up from Xia Qing's body.

Chapter 13 One hundred and three thousand magic books (3/4)

"If you want to eat, wait until I find a house to rent."

Xia Qing put his hands under the girl's armpits, then easily lifted her up and placed her beside him.

After standing up, Xia Qing said to the girl who was holding her stomach and looking pitiful.

"Hey, do you have to wait for a long time..."

"It doesn't matter to me if I leave you here now."

Xia Qing said this and walked straight towards the apartment where Yue Yong Xiaomeng lived.

"I wonder if Teacher Xiaomeng can help me apply to live in a student apartment..."

"Hey, wait for me!"

The girl who was afraid of being left alone here quickly followed Xia Qing.


"Well...because it's the summer vacation, I may not be able to assign you an apartment until school starts."

As soon as Xia Qing returned to the apartment, he asked Yue Yong Xiaomeng his question, but the answer he received was not satisfactory.

"If this is the case, then I can only bring one more person to live with you."

"Ha... I don't have such a big place here! And there are only two sets of quilts in total. Do you want to sleep together?"

Yue Yong Xiaomeng put her hands on her hips and raised her head and asked Xia Qing.


Xia Qing turned his attention to Index who was following behind him.

The girl seemed to think of something strange after feeling Xia Qing's gaze, and her cheeks immediately turned red.

"No, no, we just met. No matter how hungry I am, I will never do this kind of deal of selling my body!"

"Hey, why did it get to this level..."

Xia Qing patted her hat and gestured at her height. The girl who was only 148 centimeters tall was not even taller than Xia Qing's shoulders, but because she was wearing a hat, she was still a little taller. centimeters.

Her height can only be compared with that of Yue Yong Xiaomeng. One is 135 centimeters but she is already three years old, and the other is 148 centimeters but is only 14 or 15 years old. No matter how you look at it, Index is taller. There are advantages.

But Teacher Xiaomeng, who has gone through many vicissitudes but still maintains the form of a young girl, is more eye-catching.

The body is small and light, and it is easy to hold. Because it is an adult, you don't have to worry about running around.

"Don't touch my hat!"

The girl's open mouth revealed tiger fangs, shining in the orange light in the room.

"We should be able to find an apartment to rent while we have time. Come on, Index, let's go."

Xia Qing took out a piece of French bread from behind and waved it in front of the girl.

"Wow! I want to eat!"

A pair of green pupils were shining at this moment, and he opened his mouth and bit into the bread.



Yue Yong and Xiaomeng were speechless as they watched the silver-haired girl being taken away by Xia Qing with a baguette.

"Is it an abduction? It's just an abduction."

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