All in all, after Xia Qing spent all the remaining money, she finally rented a room in an old apartment not far away.

"In other words, it's better to stay at Teacher Xiaomeng's house..."

Insert the key into the keyhole, then open the door, Xia Qing muttered as he walked in.

The silver-haired girl who was following behind, biting and tearing bread, was about to walk in, but was stopped by Xia Qing.

"Wait a moment, there is dust everywhere in the room, let me clean it up."

"Then let me help you too...?"

The girl suggested with a smile.

It would be nice to not have to sleep in the open, and it seemed that this person didn't have any dirty thoughts towards her. If so, there would be no need to go to such trouble.

In the past, there were some bad boys who wanted to play dirty tricks on girls, but they disappeared inexplicably before they could take action.

Naturally, the girl didn't know that someone was following and protecting her. She still thought that it was the one hundred and three thousand magic books that coveted her memory and came to hunt her down.

"No, you wait outside for a while."

After closing the door, Xia Qing used wind magic to roll all the dust and cobwebs in the small room into the trash can, and then used water elements to clean the floor.

"Okay, come in."

After the girl entered the room, her eyes immediately lit up and she couldn't help but exclaimed.

“So clean…”

It only took less than a minute to clean the room spotlessly, as if by magic.

However, when the girl was so suspicious, the next moment Xia Qing took out a tablecloth and conjured all kinds of steaming food out of thin air, she was 100% convinced.

"This... what kind of magic is this? I have never seen it before! It's so amazing!"

"This is technology, not magic. If you really want to say it, I don't know if it's science."

After all, this is a product of the 22nd century in another world.

If Xia Qing knew the principle of making these things, then he would not eat here on a limited basis.

What appeared in front of Xia Qing was a high-protein medium-rare steak, along with a knife and fork. What the girl was eating seemed to be food unique to the country she lived in before. In short, it was sweets.


The dinner ended not long after. The girl's belly was swollen like a pregnant woman with a child. Her cheeks were slightly red, and she was stroking her belly with a happy face as she spoke.

"Ah~ It's full. I can't eat any more."

Then, the girl who remembered something immediately sat up and said to Xia Qing.

"First of all, please allow me to introduce myself. My name is INDEX."

"Well, my name is Xia Qing."

The girl stood up and came to Xia Qing, who was sitting on the bed, patted her flat chest and continued.

"As you can see, I am a clergyman, ah, here is the key point ~ not the Vatican system, but the Puritan side."

"Hmm... about the Index of Forbidden Books (INDEX), it's a bit hard to explain. Ah, my magical name is Dedicatus545."

Xia Qing nodded.

"Well, I understand, what next?"

"So, if you can keep Index well fed, I'll be very grateful to you."

Index was biting her thumbnail. It seemed that biting her thumbnail was her habit. In short, she was looking at Xia Qing with eyes like a saint's while she was obviously begging for help.

Xia Qing raised his eyebrows and smiled.

"So, do you think I will leave you at home for free and then go work to earn money to support you?"

"If you kick me out, I will probably fall to the ground after taking only three steps~"

The girl said so.

"When the time comes, I will use my last strength to write a suicide note, including a portrait of you."

Xia Qing used magic to draw a question mark made of water elements in front of herself.

【? 】

Chapter 14 Super Powers (4/4)

"If I were rescued, I might say that I was imprisoned in this room and tortured into a human shape... Even this strange cross-dressing, I would say that you forced me to wear it."

The girl said.


Xia Qing said as if he was amused.

"In that case, no matter how you think about it, it's too cumbersome to keep a drag bottle. You just provided a method. How about I just implement it like this?"

When the girl heard this, she couldn't help but take a step back. As a result, she tripped on her bare feet and fell to the ground.

When she saw Xia Qing walking over from the bed, the scared girl couldn't help but shrink back and curled up on the ground like a cat, trembling with fear.

Her threat was still meaningless. In fact, it was just because she had finally found a place where she could stay peacefully after being on the run for a long time, so she didn't want to leave so easily anyway.

"By the way, why did you fall from the sky before?"

Xia Qing simply sat on the smooth floor, leaning against the wall and asking the girl curled up next to her.

"I didn't fall from the sky. I originally wanted to jump from one roof to another, but I was hit by magic in the back and suddenly fell down."

"It's a miracle you didn't fall to your death."

Xia Qing sighed.

"Hey, hey, don't worry, am I injured? This dress has a "defensive barrier" effect. It would be a miracle that you are okay after I hit you. "

The girl said slowly and confidently.

"As for why I did such a dangerous thing, it was because someone was chasing me. I thought I could jump over, but I was hit in the back when I was halfway through the jump."

Index forced a smile with some frustration.

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