The counter of the fast food restaurant is as crowded as a tram car packed with passengers.

Mikoto was squeezed into the crowd and looked at the ceiling tiredly.

"Summer, crowds, sweltering is it so hot even though the air conditioner is on!"

Looking at the completely silent queue in front of her, Mikoto began to think about whether to change stores.

But when I looked back, I saw a wall of people behind me. Squeezing out of the crowd at this time can also cause trouble to others.

"Ha...hahaha. I feel like an ant on a hot pot now..."

Mikoto laughed a few times. At this time, the crowd near the entrance suddenly moved significantly. It seemed that someone just squeezed into the crowd and kept moving forward. Complaints and dissatisfaction are like squeezing people flat, spreading in all directions like waves.

Then, the crowd in front of Mikoto parted to both sides.

From the crowd, a figure that she knew very well stumbled out.

"Eh? Hey, why are you..."

"...Run away!"

He interrupted Mikoto.

His whole body was dripping with sweat, and his right hand was wrapped in a white bandage for some reason.

Mitsuaki Mihara's eyes were bloodshot and he yelled crazily.


"What did you think after being escaped by Zheng Shen?"

Xia Qing, who was standing on the edge of the hot sidewalk waiting for Mikoto, said without looking back.


In contrast, Mitsuaki Mihara stood behind the hot road, and even though he was exposed to the blazing sun, there was no uncomfortable expression on his face.

"Really, it's not an easy thing to deceive people without revealing any flaws."

As soon as he finished speaking, Mitsuaki Mihara's fist hit Xia Qing in the back!

However, Xia Qing only moved slightly to the side and dodged lightly.


Mitsuaki Umihara couldn't help but be surprised. He didn't expect that Xia Qing could detect the direction of his attack without even turning his head.

Sure enough, this young man who defeated several magicians and killed an alchemist should not be underestimated.

Fortunately, according to the information transmitted from the organization, this guy named Xia Qing did not show strong melee abilities.

Of course, Mitsuaki Umihara didn't know Xia Qing's battle data against Accelerator, otherwise, he wouldn't have this idea now.

"Since you dodge the fist, what about this!"

Haiyuan moved his other hand behind his back and took out something similar to a knife.

It was a knife made of black momentum. It seemed that it was not made by cutting, but by tapping the momentum.

Since it didn't look like a weapon, the people around didn't cause any commotion when they saw the stone knife.

"Hmph! I didn't expect the real thing to escape. It seems that the half-hearted approach of imprisoning him was really wrong. He should have been killed in the first place.

Ah, by the way, he and I are not brothers or two people who just look alike. In addition to the superpower of physical transformation on the scientific side, there are other ways to transform oneself into the appearance of others. "

"Haihara Guanggui" said, waving the black stone knife. He did not slash the stone knife towards Xia Qing, but stabbed the blade into the sky.


Something invisible struck Xia Qing, passed against his cheek, and cut off several of his hairs.

An invisible laser-like thing shot out from the blade and hit a car behind Xia Qing that was parked illegally.

As if it had been branded, a complex mark appeared on the door of the car, and then something invisible seemed to spray out from the grooves of the mark.

It's like a sight full of malice, although you can't see it, you can feel it.

This phenomenon that is difficult to explain by science seems to symbolize the existence of some kind of power beyond science.

That's magic.

After a second of blankness.

There was a loud bang, and all parts of the car, including the doors, glass, frame, tires, etc., were completely decomposed.

It is not "destruction" caused by rough cutting or pulling, but "disassembly" because the parts where the parts are joined, such as bolts, rivets, and welds, are all perfectly separated.

It's like taking a completed model toy and returning it to what it looked like before assembly.

If this inexplicable attack hits the human body, there is no need to say which part will look like what.

The noise spread like waves among the crowd, but no one screamed or panicked.

In people's eyes, this is just an "unbelievable phenomenon", but no one seems to have noticed that this is an "attack".

Mitsuaki Umihara didn't even look around, and stared at Xia Qing with all his concentration.

Xia Qing felt a little difficult, not because of himself, but because of the passers-by who gradually gathered around him.

These people were quite surprised to see the car being dismantled, but they did not realize that someone was committing an attack at this time.

Haiyuan obviously doesn't care about implicating other people. If the battle takes place here, many people will definitely die.

Chapter 93: Magician Azali (1/4)

"Oh, if you want to kill me, you have to catch up with me first, right?"

The corner of Xia Qing's mouth raised, then he turned around and ran towards the winding alleyway in a small fork in the road.

In order to deliberately lure the fake Mitsuaki Mihara into taking the bait, Xia Qing slowed down. Otherwise, how could such a fast man catch up with him?

Gee, it feels wrong to say that I am fast...

But that's not important!

If the memory serves me correctly, the person who pretended to be Mitsuaki Mihara's real name was "Aizari" and he was a member of the "Group" of the Academy City Anbu organization.

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