In addition to using talismans made of human skin to disguise themselves as other people, there is also the "Toravisca Gangtik Utori Gun" that uses the light reflected from Venus to disintegrate the object it hits.

He usually borrows Umihara's appearance to give people a gentle and refreshing impression, but he has a cunning side that will do whatever it takes to achieve his goals in missions.

Although he is a magician, he is proficient in scientific information.

The magic used to disguise himself as Mitsuaki Umihara is "transformation magic".

It is a transformation magic that peels off another person's skin and makes it into a talisman to disguise himself as that person. Not only the face, but also the physique and voice become someone else.

But before that, he will investigate the cross-dressing target for at least a week before taking action.

The Aztec priests had the technology to peel off the skin of human sacrifices and wear them on their bodies. Aizali's transformation magic was developed from this technology.

If you just want to change the appearance, you only need to cut off about fifteen centimeters of skin from your wrist to make a talisman.

As the face changes, so does the body shape and gender rapidly.

Then there is the decomposition magic that can directly disintegrate a car before - "Toravisca Gang Tik Utori's Gun".

"The Gun of Tolavisca Gang Tikutori" was originally the name of the Aztec god of war and destruction. The name means "Master of the Morning" and is in charge of Venus and destruction.

It is said that the gun in his hand is formed by the light of Venus and can kill anyone who is illuminated by the light of Venus.

It is impossible for humans to fully master the magic used by gods, so what Azali uses is a replica of "Traveskar Pantecutli" made of obsidian.

The principle is to use the obsidian dagger as a "mirror". It can reflect the light of Venus and decompose the material bathed in the light of Venus. It is a gun-like prop.

The "gun" can reflect the light of Venus in the sky (it has nothing to do with day and night, it only pays attention to the "actual progress position", and "decomposes" rather than "destroys" all objects.

For example, the light reflected by the "gun" will disintegrate all parts of the car such as doors, glass, frame, tires, etc. It is not "destruction" caused by rough cutting or pulling.

Instead, the parts where the bolts, rivets, welds and other parts are combined are perfectly separated. Once a person's body is illuminated by the reflected light, the flesh and bones will be separated immediately, which is more precise than a professional butcher dismembering cattle and pigs.

As long as it is directly attacked by the light it emits, any substance can be decomposed. The disadvantage is that it cannot target multiple targets at the same time and can only set targets individually.

Although "no matter how powerful the enemy is, it can be destroyed with one strike", on the other hand, "even the weakest enemy must be attacked in sequence", and the aiming accuracy is also very low.


The alleyway was much shorter than expected. He accidentally ran onto the street again, and Xia Qing rushed into the alleyway on the opposite side of the main road.

There were several strange sounds of invisible guns "disintegrating" something from behind.

"It's really troublesome."

Xia Qing smacked his lips, and then as his eyes closed and opened, the "Three Magatama Sharingan" suddenly appeared.

"Hey, look over here!"

Despite such a symbolic shout, Aizali himself was staring closely at the back of Xia Qing, who was escaping in front.

When he turned around, his eyes immediately met.

Seeing those red eyes, Aizali was distracted for a moment, but soon he cheered up and continued to chase Xia Qing.

Strangely enough, after entering another alley, the road ahead was very clear without any obstructions.

"If this happens, you won't have anywhere to hide...!"

The black knife in Aizali's hand was swung at Xia Qing's back, and the "gun" he was holding tightly was about to be activated.

boom----! !

There was clearly nothing in front of him, but Aizhali still almost tripped over something. If he hadn't been in good physical condition, he would have been in close contact with the ground.

"how come……!?!"

Could it be magic?

The moment this idea came up, Azali rejected it directly.

"Impossible. He neither chanted a spell, nor had any medium, nor set up a barrier. How could he use this kind of magic...could it be said..."

Azali's pupils narrowed.

"Is it a super power..."

While Aizali was racking his brains to think of countermeasures, Xia Qing's forward steps had stopped.

The alleyway in front of me was closed to traffic due to building construction. Shovels, cement bags, and construction tools occupied the narrow passage, making it impossible to pass through.

There appears to be a crane set up on the half-finished roof, with a huge cantilever stretched overhead.

However, after just a few seconds of pause, Xia Qing ran to the construction site without hesitation. No one was there.

The footsteps behind him were getting closer and closer, and Aizhali had already turned the corner. As soon as he saw Xia Qing, he raised the black stone knife in his hand.

The distance between the two was only five meters.

"Not only did you take possession of the "Forbidden Index" which contains one hundred and three thousand magic books, but you also took possession of the Puritan magician, Tokiwadai's level 5 superpower, and the trump card against vampires. Only people can be attracted to oneself."

The magician said in a self-deprecating tone.

“The world of magic and the world of science are two incompatible worlds, but you are proficient in the organizational structures of both worlds.

The "organization" I belong to is very afraid that emerging forces like you will destroy the "balance of power" in the world! "

"So I was sent here. However, the initial mission was not to transform into Mitsuaki Mihara or to kill anyone. It has only been a month since I came here, and it was only a week ago that I transformed into Mitsuaki Mihara. matter.

The initial mission is just surveillance. As long as it is confirmed that you have no impact on the "balance of power relationship" and there are no problems reporting to the superiors, the mission will be over. "

The magician gritted his teeth.

Author's message:


ps: Thank you for your monthly ticket*2!

Chapter 94 He finally chose to give it for free (2/4)

"But you are so dangerous! Judging from the sporadic information I received, you have destroyed several "organizations" during this summer vacation! Not only that, but you and those who are related to you are Cannot be bought, controlled or negotiated with money or pressure.

Your actions are entirely determined by your own ideas! How can the people above sit idly by with such an unstable and huge force... Now even if I kill you alone, I can't disintegrate this maintained force. I can only...pretend..."

"Now it seems that I have no choice but to use your "face" to corrupt this entire organization!"

The distance of five meters was only a few steps away. In just a few seconds, Aizali had already crossed it and arrived in front of Xia Qing.

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